and respected; always been peaceable and minding his

own business, the very last man in this whole deestrict

to touch a person, and everybody knows it. Suspect

HIM? Why, it ain’t any more possible than –”

“By authority of the State of Arkansaw, I arrest

you for the murder of Jubiter Dunlap!” shouts the

sheriff at the door.

It was awful. Aunt Sally and Benny flung themselves

at Uncle Silas, screaming and crying, and hugged him

and hung to him, and Aunt Sally said go away, she

wouldn’t ever give him up, they shouldn’t have him,

and the niggers they come crowding and crying to the

door and — well, I couldn’t stand it; it was enough to

break a person’s heart; so I got out.

They took him up to the little one-horse jail in the

village, and we all went along to tell him good-bye;

and Tom was feeling elegant, and says to me, “We’ll

have a most noble good time and heaps of danger some

dark night getting him out of there, Huck, and it’ll be

talked about everywheres and we will be celebrated;”

but the old man busted that scheme up the minute he

whispered to him about it. He said no, it was his duty

to stand whatever the law done to him, and he would

stick to the jail plumb through to the end, even if

there warn’t no door to it. It disappointed Tom

and graveled him a good deal, but he had to put up

with it.

But he felt responsible and bound to get his uncle

Silas free; and he told Aunt Sally, the last thing, not

to worry, because he was going to turn in and work

night and day and beat this game and fetch Uncle Silas

out innocent; and she was very loving to him and

thanked him and said she knowed he would do his very

best. And she told us to help Benny take care of the

house and the children, and then we had a good-bye

cry all around and went back to the farm, and left her

there to live with the jailer’s wife a month till the trial

in October.



WELL, that was a hard month on us all. Poor

Benny, she kept up the best she could, and me

and Tom tried to keep things cheerful there at the

house, but it kind of went for nothing, as you may say.

It was the same up at the jail. We went up every day

to see the old people, but it was awful dreary, because

the old man warn’t sleeping much, and was walking in

his sleep considerable and so he got to looking fagged

and miserable, and his mind got shaky, and we all got

afraid his troubles would break him down and kill him.

And whenever we tried to persuade him to feel cheer-

fuler, he only shook his head and said if we only

knowed what it was to carry around a murderer’s load

in your heart we wouldn’t talk that way. Tom and all

of us kept telling him it WASN’T murder, but just acci-

dental killing! but it never made any difference — it was

murder, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He

actu’ly begun to come out plain and square towards

trial time and acknowledge that he TRIED to kill the man.

Why, that was awful, you know. It made things seem

fifty times as dreadful, and there warn’t no more com-

fort for Aunt Sally and Benny. But he promised he

wouldn’t say a word about his murder when others

was around, and we was glad of that.

Tom Sawyer racked the head off of himself all that

month trying to plan some way out for Uncle Silas, and

many’s the night he kept me up ‘most all night with

this kind of tiresome work, but he couldn’t seem to get

on the right track no way. As for me, I reckoned a

body might as well give it up, it all looked so blue and

I was so downhearted; but he wouldn’t. He stuck to

the business right along, and went on planning and

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Categories: Twain, Mark