Waylander by David A. Gemmell

His adviser was a priest named Dardalion, who had been found seriously wounded in the library room at Purdol. Egel was much criticised for the expense of constructing Dros Delnoch, but maintained his faith in Dardalion’s vision.

Five years after the success of Purdol, Egel was assassinated in his rooms at the fortress. In the civil war that followed, Karnak rose to rule the Drenai.

Jonat survived the siege of Purdol and became a general in the Legion. He died six years after the battle, leading a rebel force against Karnak in the civil war.

Danyal, with the gold Egel gave her for returning the Armour, bought a house in Skarta where she lived with Krylla and Minel. But she was often seen riding in the Delnoch Pass and scanning the northern horizon.

Six months after the Vagrian defeat, she and the children vanished from home.

Two neighbours discussed the disappearance with the South Gate sentry.

‘I watched her leave,’ he said. ‘She was riding with a companion. A man.’

‘Did you recognise him?’

‘No, he was a stranger. A waylander.’

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Categories: David Gemmell