Waylander by David A. Gemmell

‘This morning I found three men dead in the stable cellar, where I had been forced to place them. Rats had eaten them alive.’

Then he was gone and Dundas sighed and returned to the general’s rooms. He took a deep breath as he opened the door. Karnak was sitting at the table, his fury still present.

‘Insipid worm!’ he declared as Dundas entered. ‘How dare he say that to me? When this is over, there will be a reckoning.’

‘No, there won’t, general,’ said Dundas. ‘You will honour him with medals and apologise.’

‘Never! He accused me of forcing Degas to suicide – of not caring about my men.’

‘He is a good surgeon and a caring man. And he knows why you will not allow the wounded into the Keep.’

‘How? How does he know?’

‘Because he is also a soldier.’

‘If he knows, why in Hell’s name did he attack me?’

‘I don’t know, general.’

Karnak grinned, and his anger passed. ‘For a small man he certainly stood up to me.’

‘He did that well enough.’

I’il only give him a small medal – and no apology,’ said Karnak. ‘Now tell me, how is the water situation?’

‘We’ve moved six hundred barrels into the Keep. That’s the limit.’

‘How long will that last?’

‘It depends how many men we have left.’

‘Say two thousand when the retreat comes?’

‘Roughly six weeks, then.’

‘It’s not enough, not nearly enough. Why the Hell doesn’t Egel break out?’

‘It’s not time; he’s not ready.’

‘He’s too cautious.’

‘He knows what he’s doing, sir. He’s a canny thinker.’

‘He lacks flair.’

‘You mean he isn’t reckless?’

‘Don’t tell me what I mean,’ snapped Karnak. ‘Go away and get some rest.’

Dundas returned to his quarters and lay back on the narrow bed. There was no point in removing his armour; dawn was less than an hour away.

As he drifted towards sleep, images of Karnak and Egel floated in his mind. Both were men of awesome power. Karnak was like a storm, dramatic and inspiring, while Egel was more like an angry sea – deep, dark and deadly. They would never be friends. Could never be friends.

The images shifted and Dundas saw a tiger and a bear surrounded by snarling wolves. While the common enemy was close, the two animals would fight side by side.

But what would happen when the wolves departed?

Sarvaj buckled the chin-strap of his helmet and sharpened his sword with a black whetstone. Beside him Jonat was silent as the enemy raced forward carrying their ladders and coiled ropes. There were few archers now on the walls, the supply of arrows having been virtually drained three days before.

‘What I’d give to be astride a horse with five thousand Legion riders,’ muttered Vanek, staring down at the massed ranks of the infantry as they surged towards the fortress.

Sarvaj nodded. A cavalry charge would cut them apart like a lance slicing through pork fat. The first of the Vagrians reached the wall and the defenders took several paces back as the heavy grappling irons sailed over the ramparts, snagging tight.

‘Another day begins,’ said Vanek. ‘You’d think they would be tired of it by now.’

Sarvaj found his mind wandering as he waited for the first enemy soldier to appear. Why would anyone want to be first? They always died. He wondered how he would feel as an attacker standing at the foot of the ladder. What did they think as they climbed towards death?

A hand reached over the ramparts, broad fingers clamping to the stone. Vanek’s sword slashed down and the hand fell at Sarvaj’s feet, fingers twitching. Scooping it up, he threw it over the ramparts. More warriors appeared and Sarvaj stabbed out, his blade thrusting between a man’s teeth and through the back of his neck. Dragging the blade clear, he backhanded it across the throat of another climber. Already his arm was weary and the battle proper had yet to begin.

For an hour the enemy were unable to get a foothold on the ramparts; then a huge warrior forced his way to the wall west of the gate tower, opening a gap behind him. Climbers surged over the ramparts and soon a fighting wedge had formed. Gellan saw the danger and took five men from the tower to launch a blistering attack to their flank. The massive Vagrian turned and aimed a slashing blow at the tall Drenai. Gellan ducked and lunged and his blade slid into the man’s side. The Vagrian grunted, but was far from finished. His blade whistled down but Gellan blocked and moved.

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Categories: David Gemmell