Waylander by David A. Gemmell

She turned and smiled. ‘For the while.’

‘That is all anyone can ask.’

‘Stay and talk,’ she said. He looked at her, seeing the sunlight glinting from her red-gold hair.

‘I have nothing to say.’

‘I feared for you in the fighting. I didn’t want you to die,’ she said hurriedly, as he stepped into the shadows of the doorway. He stopped then, standing with his back to her for several seconds, then he turned.

‘I am sorry about the boy,’ he said softly. ‘But the wound was grievous and he would have been in great pain for hours, perhaps days.’

‘I know.’

‘I do not enjoy killing boys. I don’t know why I said it. I am not good with words … with people.’ He wandered to the ramparts and gazed down on the soldiers harnessing the oxen to the wagons and preparing for the long ride to Skultik. Gellan was at the centre of the operation, flanked by Sarvaj and Jonat. ‘I used to be an officer. I used to be many things. A husband. A father. He looked so peaceful lying there among the flowers. As if he was asleep in the sunshine. Only the day before I had taught him to ride his pony over the short jumps. I went out hunting … he wanted to come with me.’ Waylander stared down at the grey stone. ‘He was seven years old. They killed him anyway. There were nineteen of them – renegades and deserters.’

He felt her hands on his shoulders and turned into her arms. Danyal had not understood much of what he said, but she read the anguish in his words. He sat back on the ramparts, pulling her to him, his face against hers, and she felt his tears upon her cheeks.

‘He looked so peaceful,’ said Waylander.

‘Like Culas,’ whispered Danyal.

‘Yes. I found them all – it took years. There was a price on their heads and I used each bounty to finance my search for the others. When I caught the last, I wanted him to know why he was going to die. And when I told him who I was, he couldn’t remember the killings. He died not knowing.’

‘How did you feel?’

‘Empty. Lost.’

‘How do you feel now?’

‘I don’t know. It is not something I want to think about.’

Her hands came up and cupped his face, turning it towards her own. Tilting her head she kissed him, first on the cheek, then on the mouth. Then she moved back, pulling him to his feet.

‘You gave us life, Dakeyras, the children and me. We will always love you for that.’

Before he could answer, another cheer went up from the walls below.

Karnak had arrived with four hundred riders.


Gellan ordered the wagons pulled back from the breach and Karnak rode into the fort with ten of his officers. He was a huge man, running to fat, who looked older than his thirty-two years. He dismounted beside Gellan and grinned.

‘Gods man, you’re a wonder!’ he said. Swinging round, he unfastened his green cloak and draped it over his saddle. ‘Gather round, you men,’ he shouted. ‘I want to see the heroes of Masin. That means you too, Vanek,’ he called. ‘And you, Parac!’

The twenty-five survivors came forward, grinning sheepishly. Many of them were wounded, but they bore themselves proudly before the charismatic general.

‘Gods, I’m proud of you all! You’ve seen off a crack force of some of the best the Vagrians can offer. What’s more, you’ve taken enough supplies to keep us for a month. But even better than that, you’ve shown what Drenai courage can do. Your deeds here will shine like a torch to the Drenai people – and I can promise you that this is only the beginning. At the moment we may be down, but we’re not finished – not while we have men like you. We’ll take this war to the enemy and make them suffer. You have my word on it. Now let’s get to Skultik and I’ll really show you how to celebrate.’

He moved to Gellan, throwing a brawny arm over the officer’s shoulder.

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Categories: David Gemmell