Wizardry Cursed by Rick Cook

center and the loading docks, he ended up in front of the building, on a

street that wasn’t supposed to have truck traffic. He certainly didn’t

know the neighborhood well enough to realize that people on the trolley

platform in the center of the street were given to crossing no matter what

the traffic light said.

The blare of the horn and the screech of air brakes brought Judith half

out of her reverie. Instinctively she jumped back as the driver yanked the

wheel desperately in an effort to avoid her.

Together it was almost enough. Instead of receiving an obliterating blow

from the truck’s front bumper, Judith Conally was only kissed by the left

fender. But the kiss was near as deadly as a blow. Her purse flew out of

her hands in a high arc, opening in mid-air and spilling wallet, tissues,

keys and coins along the curbside. Limbs flailing, Judith spun away and

slammed headfirst into the curb.

She did not move again.

A woman and a dragon waited for them when they entered the programmers’

quarters in the Wizard’s Keep.

Of the two the woman was slightly the larger and by far the more

formidable. Shauna was broadbeamed with brown hair and an easy gap-toothed

smile. She had an infant daughter of her own and she was more than happy

to nurse Ian-and mother June and Danny as well.

“My Lords, Lady,” she curtsied. “I have a cold supper waiting.”

“Thanks,” Wiz said, “but I’ll just have something to drink.” He drew a mug

of ale from the small cask at the end of the table and plopped down on a

bench along the wall. It was something past midnight, but all of them were

too keyed up to sleep. A light meal and light conversation had become a

ritual after meeting with the non-humans by the light of the full moon.

Shauna surveyed Wiz’s thin frame disapprovingly. “You’ll never put on any

meat that way.” Then she turned to June. “Here child, let me hold the baby

and you get yourself something to eat.”

Shauna, Moira and Danny were the only three people June would allow to

hold Ian. Without protest June handed the baby to Shauna and went to heap

her plate. Jerry, Danny and Bal-Simba joined her while Moira stayed with

Shauna and Ian.

“It’s a wonder you don’t catch the ague, all of you. Out all night in the

cold and damp consorting with uncanny beings. And taking the child to such

doings, well . . .” Shauna peered under the blanket at the sleeping


Ian awoke briefly, saw he was being made much of, accepted it as his due

and drifted back to sleep.

Wiz took a pull on his mug and nearly lost it when the dragon rammed his

head into his ribs.

“Well, what’s your problem, Scales-For-Brains?” he said, reaching out to

scratch the dragon behind its ears.

Shauna looked up from Ian. “Naming such a beast ‘Lord,’ ” she said with a

shake of her head.

“Not Lord,” Wiz corrected as he dug his fingers into the scaly hide.

“LRD.” The dragon stretched his neck out luxuriously to expose a spot

behind his right ear.


“It’s a TLA for Little Red Dragon,” Jerry put in from where he was

building a triple-decker sandwich.

“What is a TLA?”

“Three-letter acronym.”

Shauna looked puzzled and Moira chuckled. “Never ask them for an

explanation. You will only end up worse confused.”

Shauna sniffed and turned her attention back to June and Ian. LRD reminded

Wiz to keep scratching with a butt to the side that nearly knocked him off

the bench.

As a two-foot hatchling, LRD had been as cute as a kitten when he wandered

into the programmers’ makeshift workshop and decided he liked the company.

Now, a little over a year later, LRD was something more than six feet from

snout to tail-tip and massive in proportion. Compared to the 80- to

100-foot cavalry mounts in the aeries below the castle, LRD was still

tiny. Compared to the scale of the rooms and passages in the castle, LRD

was definitely on the large side and getting bigger every day.

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