“Well,” she said. “Is it as good as that other trick you taught me? The Viking S-spot?”

“Nothing is as good as that, dearling. But close.” He sensed that she was softening. Time to go in for the kill, but first he must sweeten the pot. “Methinks I could even take two days off your tally if you agree to this. Trust me, Esme, you will not be sorry.” Said the wolf to the lamb.

“All right,” she said.

With those words, Toste whipped the fur pelt off the bed and began to spread it out afore the fire. Esme sat up and watched him carefully. She was not fooled by the rogue, not one whit. The Viking was up to no good, but two days off her tally? She couldn’t resist that.

Any more than she could resist him. The things he had taught her about her body and sex play were amazing. She would have to go to confession first chance she got, of course, and would be doing penance for years, but it might very well be worth it. On the other hand, she might be dead.

But now, the rogue stood unabashedly naked and aroused, beckoning her toward him with the fingers of both hands. She stood and walked toward him, not so unabashed about her nakedness but getting better at it.

“Down on all fours,” Toste instructed, pointing to the fur pelt.

“Like a dog?” she inquired, arching an eyebrow at him.

“Like a very pretty dog,” he said, smiling in such a winsome way that she probably would have stood on her head if he’d asked.

He came up over her from behind, placing one hand over her breast which hung embarrassingly loose and his other hand over her woman-fleece. “See, isn’t this nice?”

“It seems crude.” She felt way too open to his wicked fingers this way. In addition, she had no control in this position with her hands and legs out of commission.

“Sometimes crude is good,” he said. Already he was proving his point by nipping at her shoulder with his teeth. He’d pulled her hair back above her ear to give him greater access. At the same time, he was alternately twirling the nipples of both breasts between his thumb and forefingers. “Do you like it yet?”

“I’m not sure.” But she rubbed her rump back and forth against his manpart and heard him groan against her ear. “Now I’m liking it.”

He bit at her earlobe and stuck the tip of his tongue inside, which caused her whole body to tense up with a fierce spasm of pleasure. “Let me do that again when my finger is inside you,” he said.

And he did.

And she went absolutely rigid, fighting the erotic ripples that passed over her entire body.

“Relax, sweetling.”

“Hah! As if that’s possible. Let me up. I want to go back to the bed where I can see you.”

“Not yet, sweetling. Not quite yet.”

His fingers were doing incredible things between her legs, and his hips were bucking against her from behind.

“Put your face on the furs and fold your arms above your head,” he directed.

Which would place her buttocks in the air. “I… don’t… think… so.”


Oh, that is just wonderful. Now he pulls the please ploy. Now I will never be able to resist him. She put her face down, though she was still on her knees, and even let him spread her legs wider. She was about to protest this horribly vulnerable position, and she was beginning to doubt that it was a favorite of women when Toste entered her woman’s channel from behind. She might have screamed—she wasn’t sure—at the shock of his filling her and going in even farther than he had before—not to mention the shock of her peaking suddenly with hard, clasping grasps on his staff. It was wonderful and humiliating at the same rime.

“By the saints, what are you doing to me?” she whimpered.

“Making love.”

And then he began to thrust in and out of her, while at the same time strumming the bud which seemed to be the center of a woman’s pleasure. She peaked again.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra