“Ha ha ha.”

Is she laughing at me?

“I have given up on my efforts with you, Vagn. So you can relax and stop hiding from me.”

Who are you attempting to fool? Me or yourself?

“Actually, I have come searching for Finn. Oh, I see him over there.”

What? WHAT? Vagn’s eyes shot up.

But Helga was already sashaying off to the other side of the guardroom, where Finn was practicing swordplay with another soldier. Finn was a good enough soldier, Vagn thought, but he spent way too much time on personal grooming. A coxcomb, through and through. The only man Vagn had ever met who was more full of himself than Finn was his old comrade, Rurik the Vain. Not only did Finn trim his facial hairs to excess, but he wore his braies so tight that his manparts stood out like two big apples holding up a snake. Probably padding. Helga was too smart a lady to be interested in such a foppish man. She wouldn’t give him a second glance. With a resolute shake of his head, Vagn concluded, She wouldn’t want Finn’s seed.

Even so, he narrowed his eyes and watched helplessly as Helga called out to Finn, who stopped his swordplay and leaned down to listen to what she was saying. Before he did so, though, Finn reached down and adjusted the sack of apples at his groin, and Helga the Porridge-Brain watched him do so with interest.

She would want Finn’s seed!

Vagn couldn’t hear from this distance, but he saw Finn smile and at one point throw his head back with laughter.

Is she serious? Or just playing more games?

She placed a hand on Finn’s wide chest and giggled. She actually giggled.

Vagn saw red. He literally saw a haze of red afore his blazing eyeballs. Has she really given up on her quest for my seed? And is she now about to glean seed elsewhere?

He should not care. What business was it of his? Let her make a fool of herself.

But what if Finn agreed?

I do not care.

Finn would not.

I do not care.

Finn might.

I do not care.

So, what did the uncaring Vagn do? He dropped his sword to the floor with a roar of outrage, stomped over to Helga, who was batting her eyelashes at Finn in the most ridiculous fashion, grabbed her by the upper arm and practically dragged her from the room, proclaiming idiotically, “There is something I must show you.”

Hoisted on his own lusty staff…

They had gone all the way back to the scullery behind the kitchens before Vagn stopped dragging her. The man had clearly lost his mind.

“Have you lost your mind?” she asked as he backed her up against the wall.

“It would appear so.”

Thor’s teeth, but he is unusually somber. What ails him? As if I didn’t know. “Why is that tic ticking in your chin?”

“Because I am so angry I might just explode if I don’t tick.”

Good answer! “What did you want to show me?”

“This.” He lifted her by the waist so her feet dangled off the floor and proceeded to kiss her hungrily. No questioning first kiss was this. It was hard and demanding and wet. And it went on forever. He put her down, his hands roved everywhere—her breasts, her hips, her buttocks, the backs of her thighs. This was a man of experience who had been pushed too far.

“You should stop,” she said halfheartedly.

He just laughed and kissed her some more.

About then, she realized that he’d reached up her gown, his palms bracing the globes of her bare nether cheeks, and his two middle fingers delving into her woman-folds from behind.

“Aaaaaaaaah,” she whimpered, too aroused to be embarrassed by the wetness he encountered there.

“Aaaaaaaaah is right,” he answered with a groan when she undulated her hips against him and belatedly realized that she was riding the ridge of his hardened shaft. “Do it again,” he rasped out.

She did. Several times.

Which caused his eyes to roll back in his head and his teeth to grit.

“Did I do that right?”

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Categories: Hill, Sandra