“Really, you Christians go too far. How can you condemn a person for thinking something?” He paused several moments, then added, “I rather like the idea of you having impure thoughts about me, though. Gives me hope.”

“Stop hoping. That is as far as it will go.”

“Do not be too sure of that, m’lady. We Vikings have persuasive powers.”

That was what she was afraid of.

“Have you thought about the offer Bolthor and I made to you this morn?”

“Not really,” she lied. “I have my own plan.”

“And that would be?”

“There are places I can go where my father would be unable to find me for the next four months.”

“And then?”

How perceptive of the man to home right in on the crux of her problem! “Then I will figure out a way to approach King Edgar himself.”

He arched his brows at her. “You are aware of Edgar’s penchant for swiving everything in sight with a set of breasts, are you not? In fact, I heard he entered a nunnery one day not too long past and raped a fair-faced novice without any remorse at all. And he killed the husband of one woman just because she caught his fancy.”

“All right, I realize it’s not a perfect plan, but I have been evading my father and his schemes for ten years now.”

“Wouldst like to hear my idea?”

She should say nay, she really should. “Yea.”

“There is one last thing I must do, once I am healed enough to travel… I hope within a sennight. I must find Vagn’s killer and remove him from this earth.”

“You are going to murder someone? That is your plan?”

“It will not be murder. It will be well-deserved revenge.”

“How will you find him? Do you know his name?”

He shook his head. “I do not know his name, but I saw him clearly that day. His face is branded on my brain, not to mention the eagle emblem of his master. I will find him, do not doubt that, m’lady.”

Her shoulders slumped with resignation. There was no arguing with men when issues of pride and fighting were involved. “What has any of this to do with me?”

“I have friends in Northumbria. Lord Eirik of Ravenshire, for one. Bolthor and I will go there and amass a troop of soldiers, using Eirik’s estate as our base of operation for finding Vagn’s killer. You could come with us. Whilst there, you would be under the protection of Eirik’s shield, which is formidable.”

“I couldn’t intrude on strangers that way.”

“Because of the bond of friendship he shares with me, Eirik and his wife Eadyth would not turn you away. Then, and I think this is the best course, envoys could be sent to King Edgar asking for the release of your dower lands. You would not have to be present yourself.”

“Hmmmm. That is a wise remedy and worth pondering.” Still, she hesitated. From across the hall, she noticed Mother Wilfreda motioning to her that it was time to retire for the night. She stood, and Toste stood as well. He walked along with her to the corridor. “Why would you do this for me? I am nothing to you. I get the impression you are accustomed to traveling unencumbered,” she said, as they walked toward the stairs leading to the upper story where the bedchambers were located. She held a wall torch in one hand to light the way. Already the air was freezing cold, now that they’d left the warmth of the great hall. She shivered.

Taking the fur mantle off his shoulders, he placed it over her, locking it in place with a brooch in the shape of writhing wolves. “Oh, nay, ’tis not necessary.”

But he just smiled softly and moved closer so that her back was to the stone wall. She no longer felt the chill of the air. His body heat wrapped her in a warm cocoon.

Oh, he is so attractive… for a man. Big in stature. Well-muscled, yet lean at the same time. Even his hair is pretty. And clean… do not forget clean, Esme. And that cleft in his chin… whew! I wonder how he shaves it. I should not be noticing all these things about him. I am practically a nun. But, Blessed Lord, the man exudes heat like a wicked hearth, Is this how the moth feels afore the flickering flame? “How can you be so hot when the air is so cold?” she blurted out.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra