“I want you, Helga,” he said without warning.

“For what?” Dumb, dumb, dumb. Even I know what he meant by that.

He smiled, slow and easy. Words were not necessary.

“Wanting is not the same as getting.” Has my tongue lost its connection to my brain?

“For most men mayhap. But, me”—he rolled his shoulders—”I usually get what I want.”

“With women, you mean.” His arrogance knew no bounds. To her chagrin, she found it oddly appealing.

“With women,” he agreed. “You started this game, Helga. Oh, do not try to deny that fact. What I want to know is, what are you about?”

“What? Only men can play at the game of seduction?” That’s the way, Helga. Show a little self-confidence. Remember Rona’s advice. To be provocative, a woman must feel provocative.

“You misread me, m’lady. Some women are born seductresses.”

“And I am not?” Oh, this was too much. So much for being provocative! Apparently, Helga the Homely would always be lacking in womanly ways. She started to rise with indignation, then sat back when she remembered that she was naked.

Just that little glimpse of her nudity and his eyes went wide with interest. He parted his lips and licked them slowly as if she—Helga the Homely—had tempted him.

“Oh, Helga, you tempt me without even trying. You do not need artificial wiles to draw me to your bed furs. Just ask. ‘Tis enough.”

Whoo! She gave a little mental exclamation of victory. This could be fun. That bothersome tingling started in her body again. And, despite herself, she wondered if a certain part of him was humming. “I do not believe you, but thank you for saying so,” she said politely. Good gods! Did I just thank a man for lusting after me?

“Do not get me wrong, dearling, I liked your teasing in the great hall earlier tonight.”

“Teasing?” she choked out. Dearling?

He nodded his head. “Yea. The business about not wearing undergarments. I liked the mind-picture that gave me. A lot.”

She did, too, truth to tell.

“I just don’t understand why. You could barely abide me afore. Why this sudden turnaround?”

She should tell him, but did she have the nerve? Would he understand her desire to give her beloved father a grandchild? Would he be offended that it wasn’t his masculine good looks that tempted her… or not entirely?

“Do you wish to make love with me, sweetling?”

“Do you have to be so blunt?” And do you have to call me by those enticing endearments? I am trying to think here.

” ‘Tis like a giant wall looming betwixt us… whatever it is you hide from me… the mysterious reason for your pursuit. I would like to knock the wall down and proceed from there. No secrets. No games. So I repeat. Do you wish to make love with me?”


“Mayhap?” he practically shouted. “What kind of answer is that?”

“I want a child,” she blurted out, and could have bit her tongue. Too soon. It is too soon for him to know that.

“What?” he exclaimed softly, then more loudly, “What?”

Well, now I’ve done it. I must tell all now. Let us hope he is a man who values honesty. “I am twenty and eight years old, Vagn. So long on the shelf I no doubt have cobwebs coming from my ears. I do not regret never marrying, but I have decided to have a child… to please my father… and for myself, of course.”

His eyes narrowed and his jaw went rigid with anger. “A marriage trap… that’s what this is all about. I have been in this situation afore, but I thought better of you, Helga. I really did. You and your father in cahoots!”

“You dimwitted oaf! I do not want to wed with you. And my father knows naught of this.”

“You just said you wanted a babe.” His mouth dropped open and his eyes went wide as understanding dawned. “You want a child outside of marriage? An illegitimate child?”

She felt herself blush, but he could not see it in this lighting. Lifting her chin defiantly, she said, “There are worse things in life.”

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Categories: Hill, Sandra