Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 02 – And His Jetmarine

Tom was both puzzled and worried. Here he was bending every effort to rescue Uncle Ned by submarine when the man might be in New Mexico! Of course the pirates could be using one or more amphibians in their work. Picking up the telephone, Tom called the nearest Air Patrol office. After introducing himself, he said:

“What’s the situation around the Caribbean and other places in regard to amphibian planes? Any you


know of in the hands of people who couldn’t pass a security test?”

After a wait of ten minutes Tom received an answer. According to the records no amphibian craft had been reported being used in the Caribbean, or anywhere else, by persons whose character was not above reproach. Tom expressed his thanks and hung up.

“That washes out one hunch,” he told Bud. The young inventor snapped his fingers. “You know, I believe the desert robbery was planted just to throw the authorities off the track.”

“And fifty grand isn’t to be overlooked, either, detective boy,” Bud remarked, grinning, “especially with such an easy way to make the grab. I think the pilot with the pulsator landed and pulled off the robbery.”

“Perhaps. But more likely he had an accomplice conveniently arriving by car after the whole camp was rendered unconscious,” Tom replied. “It would be simple to scoop up a pay roll and get a good distance away in twenty minutes or so.”

“Well, what’s our next move?” Bud asked. “Does the team of Swift and Barclay go on a pirate hunt in the jetmarine or not?”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor