Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 02 – And His Jetmarine

“One of the islands looks like the head of a springer spaniel!” Tom cried.

“And the other like its shoulders. I can see how the channel got its name.”

“I don’t recall the name of the islands,” the telecaster said. “But it’s a doggy word, and I know I can get it for you. I’ll call you back.”

“Pin point it on the map for me, too, if you will,” Tom suggested before he switched off the set.

“So Kane did my job for me, eh?” the copilot said. “It’s a swell clue. At last we’ve found out what Uncle Ned meant by ‘Dog.’ “

“Yes. And when Kane obtains the rest of the info, we’ll know exactly where Uncle Ned’s prison is!” Tom added excitedly.



“Would you take a chance on getting through to him then?” Bud inquired.

Tom did not reply for a moment, as if weighing the advisability of such a move. Finally he shook his head.

“No. If the pirates intercepted any message to Uncle Ned, they might remove him to another hideout. Or do something even worse,” Tom said soberly.

“Anyhow, a lot of precious time would be wasted.”

“You’re right, owl boy. No sense tipping off that gang now,” Bud remarked.

“They have enough of a head start as it is.”

“We’d better develop this film,” Tom reminded his friend.

The two boys went to the developing room adjoining Tom’s laboratory to find out how successful Dansitt had been. A few minutes later Tom cried: “They’re blanks!” The young inventor groaned. “I’ll bet Dansitt kept the real shots and palmed this blank roll of film off on me!”

As Tom’s brain swam with anger and self-reproach for letting himself be tricked, the telephone in the lab buzzed. Tom went to answer it. Fletcher, the dispatcher at the Swift Construction Company airfield, was on the wire.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor