Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 02 – And His Jetmarine

“If that sub surfaces, they’ll find it,” the police chief predicted.

He offered to remain at Stillman’s to help guard the spot. Tom thanked him for the offer, but said he felt sure that the enemy would not dare attempt another attack that night.

“If something does go wrong, we’ll let you know in a hurry, though,” he added.

“Right. We’ll be on tap,” Slater said, and departed with the other officer in the squad car.


Tom’s crew urged the two boys to get some sleep but this proved to be impossible to do. Both Tom and Bud tossed restlessly until dawn. Finally Tom arose and hurried out to the jetmarine, near which Bud was pacing up and down.

“Bud,” he said, joining his friend, “I have an idea. Let’s assume that it was the pirate sub firing in here. Suppose she’s not an atomic sub. The jetmarine could beat her to the base on Spaniel Island with ease -be there waiting for her!”

“Terrific idea!” Bud agreed. “When do we leave?”

“Within an hour,” Tom replied. “By the way, I’ve plotted a course that will take us right over the Spray Cloud’s approximate position.”

“Why?” Bud asked.

“I want to prove that the pirates did this job. When I phoned the North-South Atlantic office, the traffic manager said that the uranium was stowed in hold Number Four.”

“Aft of midships?”


Chow prepared breakfast for them. As they were finishing, the cook answered the ringing telephone.

“It’s for you, Tom,” he said.

The caller was Chief Slater. “I’ve just picked up some news on the police teletype,” he said.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor