Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 03 – And His Rocket Ship

“If we want to find out more about the story,” Ames said, “this reporter, Al Landry, will meet us at International in New York.”

“I’m on my wayl” Bud cried.



FLYING a speedy jet, Bud took off with Harlan Ames for New York. Upon arriving at International Airport, the security man pointed out the hatless reporter who was waiting for them. Landry turned out to be a jovial young ex-football player who covered the airport news for his paper.

He introduced his companion as Hjalmar Koos and explained, “Mr. Koos is a language expert, who may be able to help us. He speaks fifteen languages. The man I talked to about Swift’s rocket ship ought to speak one of ‘em! If not, we’ll get Koos’ brother who knows the other fifteen!” he joked.

Koos smiled as Landry went on to explain, “This mustached fellow I mentioned has been coming to a quiet restaurant near here at ten o’clock each night. He always meets one or two men and they speak in a language I don’t understand. But off and on, when they speak English, I’ve picked up stories from them



about other foreigners they seem to know. Since you’re so much interested in these fellows, I thought Koos might eavesdrop on what they say among themselves in their own tongue.”

“Say, it’s almost ten o’clock now,” Bud broke in excitedly. “Let’s head for that restaurant.”

By the time the three reached the place, they had settled on a plan of action.

Koos was to remain outside until after the stranger entered and had been pointed out. Bud, Ames, and Landry obtained a booth, with Landry keeping out of sight.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor