Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 03 – And His Rocket Ship


1 A Vanished Pilot

2 The Fuel Kicker

3 Following a Clue

4 The First Test

5 Sabotage

6 The Rocket Launching

7 A Crack-Up

8 Stowaways

9 An Inventive Escape

10 A Robot at Work

11 A Coded Threat

12 Dangerous Acid

13 A Startling Ascent

14 Emergency Orders

15 An Attempted Theft

16 Operation Shuttle

17 An Important Capture

18 Zero-Hour Interruption!

19 Sealed Instruments

20 Ghost Winds

21 An Unexpected Mishap

22 Messages from Space

23 Ominous Signs

24 An Attack

25 A Record Victory



“SOMEBODY’S FLYING into our restricted area!” Tom Swift cried as an alarm bell broke the midnight stillness of his rocket laboratory on Fearing Island.

The blond, eighteen-year-old scientist, tall and rangy, laid two wrenches beside the freshly machined, titanium metal column-the heart of the rocket-on which he had been working. Turning to a husky, dark-haired youth standing beside him, he said:

“Hurry, Bud! Switch on the patrolscope!”

Tense with excitement, Bud Barclay reached up to the wall and flicked a switch beneath a large screen. Three green points of light were moving clockwise in a large circle. Suddenly one of them made a beeline toward a small white dot.

“Our drone planes are after the pilot!” Bud exclaimed.

Each of the pilotless jets carried an amazing mechanism called the landing forcer, an invention of Tom’s. This instrument, directed from a beeper box in the control tower, could capture and steer intruding planes to Fearing’s airstrip.

“This might be an attack to wreck our rocket base!” Bud cried.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor