Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 03 – And His Rocket Ship



“The kicker!” were his first words.

To the boys’ relief, the instrument stood where Tom had left it and a quick glance reassured them that Gates had not made away with any part of it. Over the loudspeaker system Tom explained what had happened, ending with: “I guess the siren frightened Gates off. Otherwise, he would have taken the kicker.”

At that instant the full import of what had taken place struck Bud. “Say, that double-crosser was supposed to take off with Radnor,” he cried as the boys dashed outdoors.

“You’re right,” Tom said. “Before we do anything else, we’d better check on that. I have an idea Radnor got the same knockout treatment I did.”

“No plane has taken off since the siren sounded,” Bud told him.

As the boys stepped into the jeep, Hank Sterling hurried toward them. He said that the regular night guard at the laboratory building had been found slugged. No report had come in yet of his assailant having been captured.

Torn nodded and started the motor. He drove directly to the floodlighted airfield. Gates’ plane still stood there.

Jumping from the car, Bud climbed up to the pilot’s cabin. The boys’ worst fears were confirmed. Radnor was slumped unconscious in his seat.

“We’d better get him to the infirmary quick!” Bud urged.

Tom lent a hand and they lifted the security offi-FOLLOWING A CLUE 21

cer into the jeep. The young inventor drove Radnor to the island’s small hospital, where Dr. Carman took charge.

“This has been a busy night,” the physician remarked, beginning his examination of his latest patient. “Hm! Radnor is in serious condition from a blow on the head. I’m afraid, Tom, that you’ll have to do without his services for a while.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor