Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 03 – And His Rocket Ship

“We’d better carry him to the infirmary and let Dr. Carman take charge,” Tom commented.

Sterling offered to attend to him while Tom went to his room for dry clothing.

After he had changed, Tom returned to the hangar to meet Bud. When the helicopter had been berthed, Tom proposed that the boys investigate the mysterious plane brought in by the robot.

“Sure thing,” Bud replied. “There might even be a logbook that will tell us who this guy is. But what I can’t understand is when and why he jumped.”

“Because he figured that swimming in was the only chance he had of getting on the island,” Tom said. “Our radar picks up boats, so he couldn’t have used that method of landing.”

When the boys reached the plane they found a logbook in one of the compartments in the panel board.

“Boston. Eleven p.m.,” Bud read, looking over Tom’s shoulder. “Edward Gates, pilot.”

“Call the dispatcher there and check this, will you, Bud?” Tom said. “I’m going to alert Dad at Shopton.”

Tom quickly telephoned a private number at the Swift Enterprises plant. He asked the operator to put the call through to his home. The elder inventor answered.

“What’s the matter, Tom?”

“I think it’s a sabotage attempt, Dad, but every-8 TOM SWIFT AND HIS ROCKET SHIP

thing is under control.” Tom explained briefly and added, “Our enemies might strike at Shopton too. Better use extra guards.”

“Okay, son. Be careful.”

When Tom hung up, Bud was still on the line to Boston Airport. Checking the log, he was told that the time of departure listed was precisely the same as the dispatcher’s record. Bud questioned the dispatcher further about the plane’s occupant.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor