Catherine Coulter – FBI 3 The Target

He buried his face in her French braid. “I love you, Emma Hunt.”

“I love you too, Ramsey. A whole lot.” She kept stroking his arm and his shoulder, giving him all the comfort she could.

THAT weekend they went to Monterey to be tourists. They went first to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Emma loved the jellyfish. The three of them sat on the bench facing the huge tank and watched the jellyfish for a good thirty minutes.

They walked through Carmel, played on the beautiful beach at the cove at the bottom of Ocean Avenue, drove down to Big Sur and picnicked off the road on the Seventeen Mile Drive.

They kept Sonny Dickerson at bay in their minds for a good three days, at least for most of the time. Ramsey called Virginia Trolley once they’d reached their hotel, gave her their number, and told her that everyone was settled in. Molly called her father. He was improving by the day. Miles missed them, particularly Emma. Her father was sleeping, Eve said, but maybe they could call him next week and he’d want to speak to them.

“Bitch,” Molly said quietly as she hung up the phone.

Ramsey looked up from the blackjack game he and Emma were playing. He’d just taught her the game two days before. She was beating him, which both surprised him and made him so proud he couldn’t stand it. He said over his shoulder to Molly with a grin, “It’s easier for Eve to deal with your father when no one else is around, particularly if it happens to be a stepdaughter who’s older than she is and a step-granddaughter who’s smarter at gambling than she is, and a guy who’s really handsome and witty who isn’t at all interested in her. Darn it all, Emma, I can’t believe you took a hit on sixteen. You should have held.”

Emma looked so withdrawn, so apparently locked into herself, that it scared Molly until she realized that Emma was just concentrating. Now Emma looked up and said in all seriousness, “I’ve been counting the cards real hard, Ramsey, just the way you told me to. I knew there were two more threes and two more aces in the deck. I don’t remember how many twos there are.”

He snarled, leaned over, and picked Emma up, falling onto his back and lifting her up over him, shaking her. She was screaming with laughter. “Molly,” he called out over Emma’s laughter, “can I go throw her in the jellyfish tank? Then you and I can sit there on that bench and watch her make friends.”

“I remember now. There’s one more two in the deck. It would be stupid to hold on sixteen.”

“No, there aren’t any more twos.” He let her down. “Let’s look. I’ll prove it.” There were twelve cards left. The very last card was the two of hearts.

THE next afternoon they were walking on the Monterey Wharf. Ramsey loved the smell of a wharf, a combination of salt and wood and creosote, a sealant used on the wood. Seagulls were thick and loud, begging handouts like the most aggressive panhandlers who flocked to Union Square in San Francisco. There were lots of fish stalls, and getting close to the stalls, particularly late in the afternoon, was nearly overwhelming-a putrid, briny odor that could bring tears to your eyes.

The smell of decaying seaweed was strong as well today. Flies swarmed over the seaweed. It wasn’t an appetizing sight. Sea lions hooted near the wooden pilings, fat and bold, usually a dozen or so mesmerized children hanging around them, begging food from their parents to give to them.

And there were endless souvenir shops. Emma was wearing a Carmel T-shirt, white jeans, her Nike sneakers, and her plaid socks. Molly had told Ramsey she’d wished he’d bought Emma a good dozen pair since they were her favorites. She washed them out each night.

Because it was summer, there were tons of tourists. The sun was bright overhead, but it wasn’t hot. It was rarely hot by the ocean. It was usually just perfect. Normally, Ramsey preferred to carry Emma. He knew she was safe when he was carrying her. But she was independent, and after a while, she’d given him a long look and said, “Ramsey, I’ll be all right. I’m not going to go run off.”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter