Catherine Coulter – FBI 3 The Target

She was walking beside him, holding his hand, either trying to speed him up or slow him down. She had her eye on a particular sea lion who honked loudly at every person who appeared to look easy. He was immense, and Ramsey could see how he’d gotten that way. He asked one of the fishermen how long the sea lion had been in residence. “Two years,” the man said. “Bloody beggar never stops eating. His name’s Old Chester, the Gay Blade. Hey, what do you expect with San Francisco just up the road? No one’s supposed to feed any of them, but they do. You can buy cheap sardines right over there. The beggars, they got no shame.”

Was he referring to the tourists or to the sea lions?

“All right,” Ramsey finally said. “But you’re going to have to toss the sardines to him, Emma. I draw the line at that. And don’t get too close.”

She gave him one of her tolerant nods and bought three sardines, thankfully dead, and was given a paper towel. Ramsey stood right behind her as she eased up until it was her turn to feed the behemoth. She yelled with laughter when he honked very loudly.

At the same moment, Molly yelled his name.


RAMSEY NEARLY TRIPPED, he swung around so quickly. A boy was trying to wrestle Molly’s purse out of her hands. He ran full tilt toward the tussle, yelling, “Let her go, you little punk!”


Ramsey jerked back around to see Emma standing there, her hand close to that sea lion, not realizing what had happened. There were people all around her. She was all right. Then, just at the instant when he would have turned back to Molly, Ramsey saw him slithering through a knot of kids and parents near the sea lions. He would recognize the man anywhere, both in his nightmares and in real life. Just a few more feet and he’d be close enough to grab her. He was nearly on her, not more than three feet away, moving quickly now since he knew the distraction he’d set into motion couldn’t last much longer. He had his hand out when Ramsey grabbed him by his collar, jerked him around, and sent his fist into his jaw.

“Hey, buddy! Why’d you hit that guy? He wasn’t doing nothing!”

“Yeah, you can’t go around hitting people. What is it with you?”

There were half a dozen people swarming close now, pressing in toward him, but no one had grabbed him yet. He yelled, “Emma! Get over to your mother!”

Dickerson was stumbling to his feet, rubbing his jaw, spitting blood, yelling, “Why’d you hit me? I’m a priest! Why’d you hit a holy man?”

“Hey, buddy, you shouldn’t oughta done that!”

Ramsey was shoved back. Another man punched him in the shoulder.

“No, stop! He’s my papa and he was saving me!”

But they didn’t hear the little girl. Just kept telling him what a bum he was.

Ramsey was desperate. He didn’t want to, but he saw Dickerson going for Emma again. “Leave her alone!” he yelled, but Dickerson ignored him, so intent on Emma that Ramsey wondered if he’d even heard him.

“Sorry about this.” Ramsey levered himself up and kicked one man high on the thigh, sent his fist into another man’s shoulder, and one final kick into a man’s belly. He was free. Dickerson was close to Emma again. This time Ramsey didn’t yell. He wanted to get his bare hands on Dickerson and beat the living shit out of him. He felt rage pour through him, violent, pure vengeance. Dickerson was two feet away from her. The look on his face was calm, even serene, as if he were looking at a beautiful scene, and perhaps he was, somewhere in his demented brain. A man turned sharply and bumped into Ramsey. Ramsey couldn’t stop himself, he shoved the guy hard out of the way. Then Dickerson looked up. Ramsey heard him curse, saw him weighing his chances of getting caught. He must have seen the death in Ramsey’s eyes. He stumbled away down the wharf, weaving in and out of people. Ramsey yelled after him to stop. He stumbled faster, then straightened when the wharf was clear, and began running, Ramsey behind him, Emma running behind them both. People cleared from their path. Dickerson looked back, saw that Ramsey was closing, then turned sharply and jumped into the water. Ramsey grabbed up Emma, turned to a large woman who was surrounded by little kids and looked tough as nails, and said, “He’s a child molester. He was after my daughter. Please hold her and keep her safe.” He nearly threw Emma into the woman’s arms. He jumped into the icy water of Monterey Bay after Sonny Dickerson.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter