Catherine Coulter – FBI 3 The Target

“How did Louey know Emma had been kidnapped? You said he called you before you called him.”

“I wondered later about that. One of his friends in Denver probably called him. Louey undoubtedly thought that if it hit the press, he should act the concerned papa so he wouldn’t be seen in a bad light. Who knows?”

“I wonder which friend in Denver bothered to call him.”

“He didn’t say and I was too upset to ask. But you know, Louey is friends with a lot of folks in the media, from TV to newspapers. It was probably one of his newspaper buddies.”

“Is there a special buddy?”

“Yes, his name is James Hicks and he’s with the Denver Post. Why?”

“No reason. I just like to gather information. Now, are you going to call your papa and tell him Emma’s safe?”

“Yes, I should. He’s been very worried. I called him right away when Emma was kidnapped. I knew he’d have some of his people on it right away, and he did. A man and two women came by six hours after I’d called. It drove the local cops nuts. Lots of suspicion. I ignored the cops’ bitching about outsiders. I told them everything I could, why not? They wanted to help; my father was paying them to find Emma. I don’t know what his people actually did. I saw them several more times. We discussed leads, possibilities. If they found out anything, I don’t know about it.”

“Did you tell them you were taking off to find Emma yourself?”

“No, I didn’t. I’ll call him right now. At least he won’t try to trace the call.” She paused a moment, then said, turning to face him, “I wonder if my father suspected Emma’s kidnapping had anything to do with him? I bet he has. I know one thing: If he found out who did this, he wouldn’t hesitate to sanction a kill.”


SANCTION A KILL. She’d said it so easily, so naturally.

How many times had she heard it said when she was a kid?

“All right, I’m going to call. Hey, wait a minute. What if those men were there to rescue Emma and they thought you were the kidnapper? Of course they’d try to get rid of you. Of course they’d follow you. Oh goodness, there’s no end to the possibilities. I’ve got a headache, Ramsey.”

“That goes really well with my leg ache. That theory could fly until you showed up. You think they haven’t at least seen a photo of you? You think that there’s any way they wouldn’t know you’re the boss’s daughter? Call, Molly. I want to hear what he has to say. Use your cell phone. Come over here so I can hear.”

She sat down on the arm of the recliner and began dialing. Area code 312. Chicago and outlying residential areas, like Oak Park. Sure, that was where Mason Lord lived, only the best. He saw her hand tighten around the phone.

Why hadn’t she seen her father for three years?

The phone rang twice, then a man answered, his voice deep and mellifluous.

“Miles? It’s me, Molly.”

“Yes, Molly. You’ve got news about Emma?”

“She’s fine, Miles. She’s back with me. Thank you for asking. I want to give Dad the news.”

“Just a moment. Goodness, this is a relief. Mr. Lord’s been on a real tear.”

“You heard that?” she asked Ramsey. Ramsey was three inches from the receiver.

“Yeah, I heard.”

There was a good twenty more seconds of silence, then, “Molly? Emma’s safe?”

“Hello, Dad. Yes, I’ve got her with me. I found her. She’s fine.”

“I don’t understand. I haven’t heard a word from my people. Do the Denver police know you’ve got Emma back?”

“Yes, they know. They don’t like the fact that I got her back without them.”

“Tell me.”

She took a deep breath. “You know I went looking when the cops and the FBI didn’t get anywhere. I would have thought your people would know. Well, I found her. A guy had saved her and I came upon both of them. She’s safe. We’re going to stay out of sight for a while.”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter