Catherine Coulter – FBI 3 The Target

She nodded. “I just don’t understand why someone would do this. They could have just searched, if they wanted to find some sort of connection between us. They didn’t have to destroy everything.”

“I don’t understand either, but we’re going to find out.”

“I hope so.” She leaned down and picked up an atlas, its pages ripped, the spine broken. She tried to smooth the pages. She looked numb.

He gently took the book from her. “Help me pack, then we’re out of here. I’ll make some phone calls from a pay phone.” But there weren’t any undamaged clothes left. Even his leather luggage, a Christmas present from his folks, was mutilated.

Ramsey made four calls from a public phone on the corner of California and Gough. The first was to a cleaning service, the second was to Dillon Savich, the third was to an airline, and the fourth was to Virginia Trolley of the San Francisco Police Department. He made one stop: his bank.

“Let’s go,” he said, grinning at Emma as he came out of the bank. “This is going to be exciting, kiddo. At least now I’m as rich as your mama.” He handed her a twenty-dollar bill. “Keep this, Emma. Tuck it away somewhere safe.”

Molly gave him a quizzical look but didn’t say anything, just watched her daughter very carefully fold the twenty-dollar bill and slip it inside her piano.

“I think I’ve had enough exciting things happen, Ram-sey,” Emma said and hugged her piano to her chest.

Molly said, “Maybe we can buy her some more clothes at the airport.”

Ramsey frowned. “I’m thinking. I don’t remember any kids’ clothes there. T-shirts, but that’s about it. We don’t have time to stop. We’ll get her a new T-shirt at the airport, and work on her wardrobe in Chicago. Ours, too, for that matter.”


THERE WASN’T A sound, just the slow movement of a finger, a gentle silent stroke, and an instant later, the whoosh of rending paper. The man’s chest exploded outward, the sharp, jagged edges fanning out from a huge hole, smelling of char.

Gunther nodded to himself, turning away. He said under his breath, “Not bad.”

“What do you mean, ‘Not bad’?” she said, staring at the target as she walked closer. “How about perfect?” She watched Gunther blow on the muzzle of his Spanish Star Ten, one of the very few European 10mm auto calibre pistols, Gunther had told her in an unusual show of pride. Of all his acquaintances he had the only one, he’d said, which was just as well since he’d also be the only one to shoot it right. She watched him blow on the muzzle again. Naturally there was no smoke to blow away. She imagined he did it because it was symbolic, a move reminiscent of the gunslingers in the Old West.

He gave her an irritated look but didn’t say anything.

“Don’t you like to be perfect, Gunther?” She came closer, running her fingers down his forearm, over his hand, to stroke the barrel of the gun.

He stayed silent. She was doing this just to make him crazy, he knew that, but it was tough not to respond in some way, just a small push, just a tiny shove away from him. But he wasn’t stupid. He couldn’t lay a finger on her, no matter what the provocation. No, he wouldn’t even acknowledge that she was playing a game with him.

He had a feeling that Mr. Lord enjoyed these games of hers, even encouraged her. Maybe he was standing in the shadows at the back of the gallery, watching, chewing on an unlit cigarillo, a habit he’d developed since he’d stopped smoking the year before. Gunther slowly pulled away, cradling his gun in his big hands. He liked the feel of the cold smooth steel against his warm palm.

She shook her head, laughing at him. “The way you hold that gun of yours. What is it with you, Gunther? You think that gun is a woman?”

“No,” he said very precisely, “I think this gun is a tool to get my job done.” He nodded to her, politely, as always, and turned away from her. He said over his shoulder, pausing just a moment in the gallery doorway, “Mr. Lord appreciates my tool.”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter