Catherine Coulter – FBI 3 The Target

“That’s because we got thrown together in the same pot with the lid plunked down and lots of heat. No time-outs.”

“I guess so.” She studied his face in that special way she had, as if she were going to photograph him. “You’re really meticulous with the toothpaste. You roll it up carefully from the bottom. When you’re alone, do you sleep nude?” “Most of the time.”

“Listen, Ramsey, my father’s a big-time crook and you’re a federal judge.”

“I deal all right with your father. I prefer dealing with your stepmama, but hey, I can make do.”

She grinned at him. “Eve’s something else, isn’t she?” “Yeah. Most of the time when I was around her, I would have sworn that she married your dad for his big bucks and power. Then, at other times, I’d be willing to swear that it was something else entirely.” He shrugged. “Maybe we’ll find out someday just what she’s all about.” “My father treats her like dirt.” “He does have that problem with women. But again, I have this gut feeling things are going to change.” He looked over at Emma. She had started rigging up a kite with the other kids, the father showing them what to do. He smiled. Emma knew exactly what to do. Molly had taught her and done a really good job of it. He saw her then, flying her dragon kite in the meadow by the cabin. And then those men had come with their guns. It seemed an eon ago, another Ramsey Hunt. He shook himself. “Let’s get back to us, Molly. There’s nothing either of us can do about our families. We’ll cope.”

“Tell me about yours.”

“My father’s a dentist. First thing he’ll do when he meets you is check your mouth, just the way they do with horses. Because you’ve got great teeth, he’ll probably fall in love with you on the spot. My old man’s easy that way. Give him a beautiful tooth and he’s in ecstasy.

“As for my mom, she’s a retired schoolteacher, high-school history. I remember she cried when I announced I was going to law school. She believes all lawyers are pond scum. She only forgave me when I told her I wanted to be one of the good guys. She approved of the U.S. Attorney’s office. She still tells me all the lawyer jokes though.”

“What about when you went back out to be a trial lawyer.”

He ducked his head. “It was only for a year and a half. I hated it.”


“I didn’t tell her. Since I’m a judge now, she treats me like I’m on the Supreme Court and asks me all sorts of questions about Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, both of whom I’ve met only once, but that’s about all. A neat woman, my mom. Uh, she doesn’t look a thing like Eve. I also have two older brothers. One’s career army, a two-star general, three kids. The other brother, Tony, is a political speechwriter. Tony’s an okay guy, lives in Washington, D.C., nice wife, two kids, neither of whom takes drugs or is in jail.”

He looked over at Emma at exactly the same time Molly did. Their eyes met. They smiled at each other.

“It will probably be a habit of a lifetime,” Molly said, “checking on Emma. I’ll probably have my antennae up when she’s a little old lady.”

“Do you want more kids, Molly?”

“Maybe. Two would be nice, maybe three. I like kids.”

He realized he’d been holding his breath. He let it out and laughed. “Just the number I had in mind. I’m thirty-four. That’s really young to be appointed to a judgeship, but as for my biological clock, it’s running out fast. I heard it isn’t good for a guy to father kids after he’s forty. The risks are too great.”

She poked his leg. “You mean you’ll be too paunchy and too run-down to keep up with them?”

He leaned over, took her chin in his hand, and kissed her mouth. He pulled back, studying her face. “You’ve also got beautiful eyes. They’re a bit on the vague side right now and I do like that.”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter