Catherine Coulter – FBI 3 The Target

“I didn’t think they were ever going to leave,” Molly said, coming to the bed. “You don’t look so hot.”

“I want a cup of coffee.”

“I know. Here you are.” It was a miracle. He avidly watched her pull the lid off a Styrofoam cup. He took three long drinks, then promptly wanted to die. It was close, but he wasn’t about to let himself throw up. The nausea subsided, finally. Then he panicked. “Where’s Emma?”

“She’s all right. She’s with Virginia, telling her exactly what happened. From a child’s perspective, it should be very interesting. Now, you’re to rest for a while longer. It sounds stupid to tell you how lucky you were when you’re lying flat on your back feeling awful, but you are. You’ll mend. The surgeon said you’d be ready to take me dancing by tomorrow night. Well, maybe Wednesday night.”

Molly smiled at him, closed the door, and climbed up with him on the narrow hospital bed. She kissed his ear, his nose, his mouth. “You taste like hospital,” she said, nuzzling his neck. “But since I’m dressed in silk, maybe it’s that opposites-attract thing.” She gave a deep sigh. “I wish we could play doctor.”

“Molly, please don’t make me hard. I can’t begin to imagine what Nurse Hayman would do if she walked in and saw me pointing to the ceiling.”

“She adores you. She’d probably pull me off you and take my place.”

“Okay, enough of this newlywed stuff,” said a man from the doorway.

“Not nearly as bad as Nurse Hayman,” Molly said, and scooted off the bed.

It was Dillon Savich, grinning from ear to ear. Behind him was another man who looked as if he’d never smiled in his life. He looked like a medieval monk, all stiff and long and narrow, with a thin rim of gray hair circling his head.

“Hi, Ramsey, glad you’re well enough to kiss Molly. Guys, this is Thomas Galviani, otherwise known as Tommy the Eye, a gentleman whose specialty is child molesters. He’s one of the world’s leading experts.”

The man didn’t change expression, just calmly nodded and shook Ramsey’s hand. He said, “Savich thinks I’m too serious, but I’m not. I’m glad to meet you, Judge Hunt. I read about what a hell of a good job you did on those drug dealers in your courtroom. Everyone in the Bureau is still talking about it. I’m more than glad that this time our perp was caught before he killed. Congratulations on bringing him down.”

“Thank you, Mr. Galviani.”

“Tommy the Eye,” he said without skipping a beat, his expression all bland, and Savich laughed.

“Where’s Sherlock?”

Savich said to Molly, “She’s in the women’s room, cursing me. I said the P word to a doctor who was worried because she looked a bit on the pale side. I told him it had been a long trip and she was tired because she was pregnant. That was all it took.”

“I hope,” Tommy the Eye said, “that Sherlock doesn’t shoot you before she stops having morning sickness.”

They were still grinning when Sherlock came into die room. She walked up to her husband and punched him in the arm. Then she greeted Molly and Ramsey, all smiles.

She said, “I stopped by the ICU. Dickerson is still out of it. They’ll let us know if and when he wakes up.”

“I would like to speak to him,” said Tommy the Eye. “I’ve read everything we’ve got, all the reports from his first trial, the transcripts of what he said when and to whom. He was a preferential child molester, that is to say, he’s a pedophile who sexually molests children. The preferential abuses up to as many as a thousand children in his life, not like a situational molester, who may just abuse a dozen or so children. This guy is a classic, with one exception. He brutalized Emma as well as sexually abused her. We call that a sadistic molester. Add to that the fact that with Emma he became obsessional. You don’t see this all that often in child molesters, but it does happen. One particular child, the pedophile must have that child, no other. He lost all sense of survival. Most molesters would have just shrugged and moved on to another child, but Dickerson didn’t. He just couldn’t stop.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter