Catherine Coulter – FBI 3 The Target

“No, I stopped seeing the local cops as of six towns ago. I just took Emma’s photo around and asked and asked. I didn’t know what else to do. I had this feeling that the kidnapper had taken her west, not up north toward Fort Collins and Cheyenne. No, I just knew it was here in the Rockies.”


“The Denver police had this hot line for anyone who had seen anything. They were flooded with calls, none of them relevant, but there was this one, an old woman who claimed she’d seen a white van heading west. The cops thought she was senile and ignored it, but I went to see her. She lives up the block from me. She has really bad arthritis and so she spends a lot of time just sitting in her chair, looking out the window. If there was anything to see I knew she’d have seen it. I told the cops this, but they blew it off.”

“How could she know the van was going west?”

“We live on a hill facing west and facing the 70. From her deck, she saw the van turn onto the freeway going west. She swears she saw a little girl in the van.”

“No ransom note?”

She shook her head. “No, at least not since yesterday morning. That’s the last time I checked in. That’s what the FBI agents were counting on. They kept telling me over and over that I had to be patient, just sit there by the phone and be patient. I was to let them tell me what to do since they knew everything and I was stupid. I nearly smacked this one agent. I waited for two days and nothing. Still, the FBI agents just kept shaking their heads saying that I had to wait, wait, wait. I was going crazy. Finally I just headed out at dawn the morning of the third day. I call in every day and let them yell at me.

“I’ve visited more places than I can remember. Really, this one was the last stop. When I came into Dillinger, I couldn’t believe it when everyone just nodded and said she was Ramsey’s little girl. If I’d seen you then, without Emma, I would probably have cleaned out my Detonics on you.”

“You would have gone to jail.”

“Yeah, some justice.”

“If you had shot me, sending you to jail would have indeed been justice. For my sake, I hope they wouldn’t have plea-bargained you down.” Of course that wasn’t the point. She didn’t say anything to that, but he could practically see the hackles rising. He wanted to ask how Emma had been taken, about Emma’s father, and a dozen other things, but now Emma was standing in the doorway, looking bright and clean, a hairbrush in her hand. She walked to him and held out the brush. He heard Molly suck in her breath. He smiled, took the brush, and brought Emma to stand between his knees. He combed out the tangles, then began the braid.

Emma said, “Mama, could you teach Ramsey how to French-braid my hair?”

“Yes, I can. He’s doing pretty well with your regular braid, though.”

“You should have seen the first braid he did. It was all spiky and crooked, like it was broken in the middle.”

When he got to the end of the braid, she handed back a rubber band. “There.” He turned her around, his hands on her shoulders. “You look great. Everyone is going to ask you who your hairdresser is. I’m the best.”

“That was well done,” Molly said in a calm voice, but both of them recognized that it was tough for her, this unquestioned trust and affection Emma had for another human being, one she hadn’t even known until a week ago. “Can I show Ramsey how to French-braid it tomorrow for you, Em?”

“Yes, Mama.”

Ramsey leaned forward in his chair, taking her hands. “I want you to gather up all your clothes, Em, and stuff everything in a pillowcase. Don’t forget anything. It’s important. If those men come back, I don’t want them to see anything that has to do with any of us in here. The three of us are leaving in fifteen minutes. All right?”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter