Catherine Coulter – FBI 3 The Target

“Em, you got your stuff ready?”

She pulled back, looking at him. Her face was pale, the cheekbones looking as if they were ready to poke through her skin, she was drawn so tightly. “Yes, Ramsey. I’m nearly ready. I just can’t find one of my red socks.”

“We’re out of here in five minutes, red sock or not. Bring the tape with you. Let’s leave the leg alone for another day. Come on, you guys, let’s get moving.”

THEY didn’t see a soul. Of course anyone could be hiding in the forest, watching them. Ramsey herded them into the Jeep as fast as he could.

“Where’s your car?” he asked Molly as he slipped into the driver’s seat. In one quick motion he’d inserted the key and turned it. The engine was loud in the early-morning silence.

“It’s down about a half a mile, just off the road. It’s a rental car, a Chevrolet.” She paused just a moment, never stopped looking out the windshield, and said calm as a clam, “Look, Ramsey, you’re a federal judge. You’re part of the system. I don’t believe in the system. I’m not about to call the cops or go back to Denver. Why don’t you drop me and Emma off and then you can go about your life?”

“What do you mean by that?” He swung the wheel too far in his surprise and instant anger, and nearly went off the rutted narrow road.

“I mean,” she said, still looking out the dirty windshield, and not once at him, “that you don’t know us. I’m here now. Emma’s my responsibility. I’ll take over.”


“I’m not calling in the damned cops.”

“Fine. For the time being. But I disagree.” He knew there was something else holding her back, something she hadn’t told him, not that she’d told him hardly anything at all.

“I don’t care. I’m calling the shots here. If you can’t accept that, then leave.”

“Mama, you don’t want Ramsey to stay with us?”

Molly kissed her daughter’s ear. “He’s an innocent bystander, Em. This isn’t his trouble.”

“How did you reach that brilliant conclusion?” The Jeep crunched over rocks and lurched to the side. “Some guys tried to take me out at the cabin. Chances are they just wanted to get me out of the way.”

“I don’t suppose you considered that it could have been you they were after?”

He wanted to strangle the steering wheel. “Emma,” he said, “stop listening, as of now. Put your hands against your ears. Yes, that’s good. Now, I’m going to speak my mind to your mother.”

“I don’t want to hear any more. It doesn’t matter. You’ve done your good deed. You’ve even been hurt protecting Emma. It’s enough, more than enough. You’re now out of our lives. When we trade cars, I’ll be really careful to make certain no one follows us. I’ve gotten very good at being sneaky. I’m not going back to Denver, so you don’t have to worry that Emma will be in any danger again. Oh yeah, I’ll call the cops and the FBI and tell them it’s over. I’ll tell them where you found Emma so maybe they can find the cabin where the kidnapper was holding Emma. Then I’ll tell them what a dynamite job they all did.”

Emma sat perfectly still on her mother’s lap, her hands over her ears. But she was making those horrible mewling sounds in her throat.

Molly looked like she’d been punched in the stomach. She gathered Emma close, rocking her. “Baby, it’s all right. Oh, God, I’m sorry, Emma. Please, trust me. I promise I’ll take care of you. It was my fault that he got you that first time, but we’re not going back there. I’ll keep you safe. I won’t yell at Ramsey again.”

Ramsey stopped the Jeep. He turned in his seat to face them. “Emma,” he said matter-of-factly, “take your hands away from your ears. Now listen to me. You won’t make those sounds anymore, do you hear me? If you have something to say, you’ll say it, not scare the devil out of me making those sounds. They terrify me to my toes. They make my leg hurt more. Now, I’m not leaving you and your mom. Your mom can yell at me if it makes her feel better. I might even yell back. But nothing could make me leave you. Do you hear me?”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter