Child, Lee – Without Fail

‘So how does it help to be outdoors?’

qhere’s a side yard. We’ll put the serving tables in a long

line at right angles to the wall of the building. Pass stuff out

through the kitchen window. Behind the serving table is the

wall of the yard. We’ll put Armstrong and his wife and four

agents in a line behind the servingtable, backs to the wall. We’ll

have the guests approach from the left, single file through

a screen of more agents. They’ll get their food and walk on


inside to sit down and eat it. The television people will like it

better, too. Outside is always better for them. And there’ll be

orderly movement. Left to right along the table. Turkey from

Armstrong, stuffing from Mrs Armstrong. Move along, sit down

to eat. Easier to portray, visually.’

‘Upside?’ Stuyvesant asked.

‘Extensive,’ Froelich said. ‘Much better crowd security.

Nobody can pull a weapon before they get near Armstrong,

because they’re filtering through an agent screen the whole

time until they’re right across the table from him. Whereupon if

they wait to do it at that point, he’s got four agents right

alongside him.’


‘Limited. We’ll be screened on three sides by walls. But the

yard is open at the front. There’s a block of five-storey buildings

directly across the street. Old warehousing. The windows are

boarded, which is a huge bonus. But we’ll need to put an agent

on every roof. So we’ll have to forget the budget.’

Stuyvesant nodded. ‘We can do that. Good plan.’

Fhe weather helped us for once,’ Froelich said.

‘Is this basically a conventional plan?’ Bannon asked. ‘Like

normal Secret Service thinking?’

‘I don’t really want to comment on that,’ Froelich said. ‘Secret

Service doesn’t discuss procedure.’

‘Work with me, ma’am,’ Bannon said. ‘We’re all on the same

side here.’

‘You can tell him,’ Stuyvesant said. ‘We’re already in hip


Froelich shrugged. ‘OK,’ she said. ‘I guess it’s a conventional

plan. Place like that, we’re pretty limited for options. Why are

you asking?’

‘Because we’ve done a lot of work on this,’ Bannon said. ‘A lot

of thinking.’

‘And?’ Stuyvesant said.

‘We’re looking at four specific factors here. First, this all

started seventeen days ago, correct?’

Stuyvesant nodded.

‘And who’s hurting?’ Bannon asked, ffnat’s the first

question. Second, think about the demonstration homicides out


in Minnesota and Colorado. How were you alerted? That’s the

second question. Third, what were the weapons used out there?

And fourth, how did the last message end up on Ms Froelich’s

hallway floor?’

‘What are you saying?’

‘I’m saying all four factors point in one single direction.’

‘What direction?’

‘what’s the purpose behind the messages?’

°They’re threats,’ Froelich said.

‘Who are they threatening?’

‘Armstrong, of course.’

‘Are they? Some were addressed to you, and some were

addressed to him. But has he seen any of them? Even the ones

addressed directly to him? Does he even know anything about


‘We never tell our protectees. That’s policy, always has been.’

‘So Armstrong’s not sweating, is he? Who’s sweating?’

‘We are.’

‘So are the messages really aimed at Armstrong, or are they

really aimed at the United States Secret Service? In a real-world


Froelich said nothing.

‘OK,’ Bannon said. ‘Now think about Minnesota and

Colorado. Hell of a demonstration. Not easy to stage. Whoever

you are, shooting people down takes nerve and skill and care

and thought and preparation. Not easy. Not something you

undertake lightly. But they undertook it, because they had

some kind of point to make. Then what did they do? How did

they tip you off? How did they tell you where to look?’

¢I’hey didn’t.’

‘Exactly,’ Bannon said. ‘They went to all that trouble, took all

that risk, and then they sat back and did nothing at all. They

just waited. And sure enough, the NCIC reports were filed by

the local police departments, and the FBI computers scanned

through NCIC like they’re programmed to do, and they spotted

the word Armstrong like they’re programmed to do, and we

called you with the good news.’


‘So tell me, how many Joe Publics would know all that would


happen? How many Joe Publics would sit back and take the risk

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Categories: Child, Lee