Child, Lee – Without Fail

there. Like he’s moving his knight or his bishop around. He just

didn’t expect somebody to come along and blow the whole

chessboard away.’

Neagley said nothing. The tape sped on backward. Nothing

was happening on it. The square office area just sat there, dim

and steady.

‘Afterwards I was angry he was so careless,’ Reacher said.

‘But then I figured I couldn’t blame him for that. To be careless,

first of all you’ve got to know what you’re supposed to be

careful about. And he just didn’t. He didn’t know. He didn’t see

stuff like that. Didn’t think that way.’


‘So I guess I was angry I didn’t do it for him.’

‘Could you have?’

He shook his head. ‘I hadn’t seen him for seven years. I had

no idea where he was. He had no idea where I was. But

somebody like me should have done it for him. He should have

asked for help.’

I’oo proud?’

‘No, too naive. That’s the bottom line.’

‘Could he have reacted? At the scene?’


Reacher made a face. I’hey were pretty good, I guess.

Semi-proficient, by our standards. There must have been

some chance. But it would have been a split-second thing,

purely instinctive. And Joe’s instincts were all buried under the

cerebral stuff. He probably stopped to think. He always did. Just

enough to make him come out timid.’

‘Naive and timid,’ Neagley said. q3aey don’t share that

opinion around here.’

‘Around here he must have looked like a wild man. Everything’s


Neagley shifted in her chair and watched the screen.

‘Stand by,’ she said. ‘The witching hour approaches.’

The timer spun back through half past midnight. The office

was undisturbed. Then at sixteen minutes past midnight

the cleaning crew rushed backward out of the gloom of the

exit corridor. Reacher watched them at high speed until they

reversed into Stuyvesant’s office at seven minutes past. Then he

ran the tape forward at normal speed and watched them come

out again and clean the secretarial station.

‘What do you think?’ he asked.

‘hey look pretty normal,’ Neagley said.

‘If they’d just left the letter in there, would they look so


They weren’t hurrying. They weren’t furtive or anxious or

stressed or excited. They weren’t glancing back at Stuyvesant’s

door. They were just cleaning, efficiently and speedily. He

reversed the tape again and sped back through seven minutes

past midnight and onward until it jammed to a stop at midnight

exactly. He ejected it and inserted the first tape. Wound to

the far end and scanned backward until they first entered the

picture just before eleven fifty-two. Ran the tape forward and

watched them walk into shot and froze the tape when they were

all clearly visible.

‘So where would it be?’ he asked.

‘Like Froelich speculated,’ Neagley said. ‘Could be anywhere.’

He nodded. She was right. Between the three of them and the

cleaning cart, they could have concealed a dozen letters.

‘Do they look worried?’ he asked.


She shrugged. ‘Run the tape. See how they move.’

He let them walk onward. They headed straight for Stuyve

sant’s door and disappeared from view inside, eleven fifty-two


‘Show me again,’ Neagley said.

He ran the segment again. Neagley leaned back and half

closed her eyes.

Fheir energy level is a little different than when they came

out,’ she said.

‘You think?’

She nodded. ‘A little slower? Like they’re hesitant?’

‘Or like they’re dreading having to do something bad in


He ran it again.

‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘Kind of hard to interpret. And it’s no

kind of evidence, that’s for sure. Just a subjective feeling.’

He ran it again. There was no real overt difference. Maybe

they looked a little less wired going in than coming out. Or

more tired. But then, they spent fifteen minutes in there. And it

was a relatively small office. Already quite clean and neat.

Maybe it was their habit to take a ten-minute rest in there, out

of sight of the camera. Cleaners weren’t dumb. Maybe they put

their feet on the desk, not a letter.

‘I don’t know,’ Neagley said again.

‘Inconclusive?’ Reacher said.

‘Naturally. But who else have ,we got?’

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Categories: Child, Lee