Child, Lee – Without Fail

stretch showed up and parked with its passenger door tight

against the tent. Then two Metro cruisers sealed the street, top

and bottom. Their light bars were flashing. All vehicles were

using full headlights. The sky was dark grey and a light rain

was falling. Everybody kept their engines idling to power their

heaters and exhaust fumes were drifting and pooling near the


They waited. Froelich talked to the .personal detail in the

house and the air force ground crew at Andrews. She talked to

the cops in their cars. She listened to traffic reports from a radio

news helicopter. The city was jammed because of the weather.

The Metro traffic division was recommending a long loop right

round the Beltway. Andrews reported that the mechanics had

signed off on the plane and the pilots were aboard. The personal

detail reported that Armstrong had finished his morning coffee.

‘Move him,’ she said.

The transfer inside the tent was invisible, but she heard it

happen in her earpiece. The limo moved away from the kerb

and a Suburban jumped ahead of it and formed up behind the

lead cop. The gun car came next, then Froelich’s stretch, then

the second Suburban, then the trail cop. The convoy moved out

and straight up Wisconsin Avenue, through Bethesda, travelling

directly away from Andrews. But then it turned right and swung

onto the Beltway and settled in for a fast clockwise loop. By


then Froelich was patched through to Bismarck and was checking

the arrival arrangements. Local ETA was one o’clock and

she wanted plans in place so she could sleep on the flight.

The convoy used the north gate into Andrews and swept right

onto the tarmac. Armstrong’s limo stopped with its passenger

door twenty feet from the bottom of the steps up to the plane.

The plane was a Gulfstream twinjet painted in the air force’s

ceremonial blue United States of America livery. Its engines

were whining loudly and blowing rain across the ground in

thin waves. The Suburbans spilled agentsand Armstrong slid

out of his limo and ran the twenty feet through the drizzle. His

personal detail followed, and then Froelich and Neagley and

Reacher. A waiting press van contributed two reporters. A

second three-man team of agents brought up the rear. Ground

crew wheeled the stairs away and a steward closed the plane


Inside it was nothing like the Air Force One Reacher had

seen in the movies. It was more like the kind of bus a smalltime

rock band would ride in, a plain little vehicle customized

with twelve better-than-stock seats. Eight of them were

arranged in two groups of four with tables between each facing

pair, and there were four facing ahead in a row straight across

the front. The seats were leather and the tables were wood,

but they looked out of place in the utilitarian fuselage. There

was clearly a pecking order about who sat where. People

crowded the aisle until Armstrong chose his place. He went for

a backward-facing window seat in the port-side foursome. The

two reporters sat down opposite. Maybe they had arranged an

interview to kill the downtime. Froelich and the personal detail

took the other foursome. The back-up agents and Neagley took

the front row. Reacher was left with no choice. The one seat

that remained put him directly across the aisle from Froelich,

but it also put him right next to Armstrong.

He stuffed his coat into the overhead bin and slid into the

seat. Armstrong glanced at him like he was already an old

friend. The reporters checked him out. He.could feel their

enquiring gaze. They were looking at his suit. He could see

them thinking: too upmarket for an agent. So who is this guy?

An aide? An appointee? He buckled his seat belt like sitting


next to vice presidents-elect was something he did every

four years, regular as clockwork. Armstrong did nothing to

disabuse his audience. Just sat there, poised, waiting for the

first question.

The engine noise built and the plane moved out to the

runway. By the time it took off and levelled out almost everybody

except those at Reacher’s table was fast asleep. They all

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Categories: Child, Lee