Child, Lee – Without Fail


‘Right here,’ the guy said. He fiddled in his pocket and came

out with a bunch of small brass keys on a ring. Squatted down

in the limited space and opened a low cupboard. Took out three


Fhese are the three I copied for Froelich,’ he said, on his


‘Some place where we can look at them?’

I’hey’re no different than the copies.’

‘Copying causes detail loss,’ Reacher said. ‘First rule, start

with the originals.’

‘OK,’ the guy said. ‘You can look at them right here, I guess.’

He stood up awkwardly and pushed and pulled some equipment

around on a bench and angled a small monitor outward

and switched on a standalone player. A blank grey square

appeared on the screen.

‘No remotes on these things,’ he said. You have to use the


He stacked the three tape boxes in the correct time


‘Got chairs?’ Reacher asked.

The guy ducked out and came back dragging two typist’s

chairs. They tangled in the doorway and he had trouble fitting

them both in front of the narrow bench. Then he glanced

around like he was unhappy about leaving strangers alone in

his little domain.

‘I guess I’ll wait in the foyer,’ he said. ‘Call me when you’re


‘What’s your name?’ Neagley asked.

‘Nendick,’ the guy said, shyly.

‘OK, Nendick,’ she said. ‘We’ll be sure to call you.’

He left the room and Reacher put the third tape in the


“You know what?’ Neagley said. Fhat guy didn’t sneak a peek

at my ass.’

‘Didn’t he?’

‘Guys usually do when I’m wearing these pants.’

‘Do they?’



Reacher kept his gaze firmly on the blank video screen.

‘Maybe he’s gay,’ he said.

‘He was wearing a wedding band.’

q’hen maybe he tries hard to avoid inappropriate feelings. Or

maybe he’s tired.’

‘Or maybe I’m getting old,’ she said.

He hit fast rewind. The motor whirred.

I’hird tape,’ he said. q’hursday morning. We’ll do this backward.’

The player spooled fast. He watched the counter and hit play

and the picture came up with an empty office with the timecode

burned in over it showing the relevant Thursday’s date and the

time at seven fifty-five a.m. He hit forward scan and then froze

the picture when the secretary entered the frame at exactly

eight o’clock in the morning. He settled in his chair and hit play

and the secretary walked into the square area and took off her

coat and hung it on the rack. Walked within three feet of

Stuyvesant’s door and bent down behind her desk.

‘Stowing her purse,’ Neagley said. ‘On the floor in the foot


The secretary was a woman of maybe sixty. For a moment

she was face on to the camera. She vcas a matronly figure.

Stern, but kindly. She sat down heavily and hitched her chair in

and opened a book on the desk.

‘Checking the diary,’ Neagley said.

The secretary stayed firmly in her chair, busy with the diary.

Then she started in on a tall stack of memos. She filed some of

them in a drawer and used her rubber stamp on others and

moved them right to left across her desk.

‘You ever see so much paperwork?’ Reacher said. ‘Worse than

the army.’

The secretary broke off from her memo stack twice, to

answer the phone. But she didn’t move from her chair. Reacher

fast-forwarded until Stuyvesant himself swept into view at ten

past eight. He was wearing a dark raincoat, maybe black or

charcoal. He was carrying a slim briefcase. He took off his coat

and hung it on the rack. Advanced into the square area and the

secretary’s head moved as if she was speaking to him. He set


his briefcase on her desk at an exact angle and adjusted its

position. Bent to confer with her. Nodded once and straightened

up and stepped to his door without his briefcase and

disappeared into his office. The timer ticked off four seconds.

Then he was back out in the doorway, calling to his secretary.

‘He found it,’ Reacher said.

¢Fhe briefcase thing is weird,’ Neagley said. ‘Why would he

leave it?’

‘Maybe he had an early meeting,’ Reacher said. ‘Maybe he

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Categories: Child, Lee