Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

You haven’t heard because it’s been kept top secret. Young Rhodri is to be commended once more for prompt and effective action, Jeff said.

Mind you, the Rowan added in a terse caustic tone, there were a few snide remarks about the profligacy of plummy jobs held by one particular Denebian family —Damia heard her father’s amused chuckle.

Our critics simply fail to appreciate large families: but we’re by no means the only Denebian family with phalanxes of progeny. And certainly not one family at that: there’re Ravens, Eagles, Cranes, Gwyns, Lyons and a healthy sprinkling of Terran Reidingers, Owenses, Grens, Maus and Thigbits in the top echelons. That isn’t really a monopoly – just clever family planning.

However, the remarks were just short of libel and slander, and decidedly snide, the Rowan said, irritated.

Irrelevant, all of it, Jeff said. So far the Queen has been cared for to the best of our small knowledge.

High Council `Din is are in accord with ours that she be treated with care as any prisoner of war.

The old Geneva Conventions – and I don’t know how old they actually are – have been scrupulously applied. The difference here is that she has never seen her keepers, curators, whatever. Which may be pure serendipity.


We have to assume that, after centuries of space battles and the one landing the Hive managed on the `Dini Sef colony, that her species know what Mrdinis look like. But they can’t know what humans look like, never having encountered us in the flesh as it were. There is a school of thought that she could be approached by a human representative, in a friendly manner. That way we may find out.

Father, that is totally reprehensible! That’s . . that’s taking advantage of a helpless – You too? the Rowan put in.

Me, too, what?

You feel that she’s helpless, alone, isolated, friendless, worldless? Her mother’s tone was sardonic.

Not particularly, Damia remarked dryly, but Zara does!

Zara? Yes, she’s always been particularly sensitive, hasn’t she?

But how would she pick that up from looking at a tape? That’s real distancing, the Rowan said thoughtfully. Still, there’s a use for that sort of Talent, too.

Damia caught an undertone in her mother’s mind.

Mother, she’s not fourteen yet. And — And… Jeff Raven prompted his daughter when she faltered, although what she was finding hard to say was the reason for her contacting her parents.

Lately she’s been almost … dysfunctional as a Talent. Cross her off your list of prospective Tower candidates!

Not fourteen yet? the Rowan repeated. And presently dysfunctional? She’s just started menstruation?

Well, the dysfunction could right itself when her cycle settles.

Is that what you wanted to tell us?

Damia heaved a sigh. Yes, I felt you should know.

The Rowan projected sympathy but again Damia felt that undertone, and a flash of keen interest and some satisfaction.

I will not say that you were not a handful at that age, dear Damia, her father said, a ripple of fond amusement in his tone.

I was never dysfunctional as a Talent.

No, that you weren’t. There was a shade of irony in the affectionate wave that washed over Damia and she relaxed.

I just wish I knew what to do to help Zara right now, she said wistfully. We’ve tried so hard to support and encourage her.

There isn’t a parent in the universe who hasn’t felt inadequate and at fault at one time or another, Damia, Jeff said.

Like your father, and the Rowan’s mental touch was as full of affection as Jeff’s, I feel that you are being unnecessarily anxious about Zara. Perhaps you aptly chose to name her after Elizara who has such amazing empathy for her patients. There’s no disgrace in having a Prime medical Talent.

I doubt Zara has the stomach for a medical career, and Damia shot a tableau of Zara’s reactions to limp animal bodies and the preparation of meat for cooking.

Surgery’s only a minor part of medicine. More is done through bio feedback, metamorphics, mental conditioning, and genuine compassionate therapy than intrusive methods, the Rowan said. Consult with Isthia and Elizara. Either would have some insights that will help you.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne