Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

Do you, Mother?’ Damia regarded him a moment longer and Rojer knew he’d surprised her.

`If it would ease your anxieties, Zara, I don’t think Roddie would mind. But you’re not to bombard him with inane questions,’ Damia said, raising a stern finger. `He has duties to perform and he can’t be distracted any more than your father and I, even if he isn’t a Tower Talent.’ `Mother, you never liked Roddie,’ Zara said, picking up on that aspersion.

Rojer felt his mother relax: her remark had been a deliberate attempt to keep Zara diverted from the Queen. Zara had always perversely stood up for Roddie, simply because her brothers and sisters detested him.

`Look, Zar,’ Morag said, `she’s eating!’ Zara was instantly back in her chair, eyes glued to the Queen’s activity. Her movements were slow, but she’d laboured mightily and she would be drained.

Rojer watched until he saw her carefully putting seeds and pips to one side and then he went to seek his father. With everyone else involved in something else, he’d have a chance to speak to his father who was taking an evening swim, without being interrupted. He descended to the pool level and shucked out of his clothes.

They swam a companionable few laps and then Afra caught the edge and turned to his son.

`Something’s on your mind and, for the first time in your life, I can’t get a hint of it,’ Afra said.

Rojer grinned, having the opening he needed.

`That’s just it, Dad, I can block and I am also hearing a lot of exchanges that I don’t believe I should. But I swear, Dad, I’m not trying to hear.’ Afra lazily swirled his free hand and both feet to keep balanced in the water and he smiled thoughtfully.

`I’d say that you were coming into your full strength as a Talent.

Your mother and I thought you might after the pod transfer. It was about time for you. You confirmed it by `porting us neatly to Heinlein and then back here.’ `You were in on those – Weren’t you, Dad?’ Afra chuckled, the sound reverberating in the pool.

`No, actually I wasn’t. I let you do the work.’ `I did those `ports all by myself?’ `I’m surprised you didn’t realize it. I assure you that I wasn’t involved.’ `But I thought you were the focus -`Only for lifting the pod.’ `Then Afra nodded. `Your mother would rather that we tell you tonight after the younger ones are in bed.’ But the news, and his father’s pride in its purport, was so vivid that Rojer caught it.

`They have? I’m to join the squadron?’ he cried jubilantly. Then Rojer gasped. `I should have listened to Thian!’ `You’ve already conducted yourself quite adequately on the Beijing, Rojer. Do you think you can contain yourself until later, when we can discuss this in my study?’ `Sure, Dad, sure!’ But it was hard not to let his joy escape. Zara, being so sensitive, caught the edge of his elation but no specifics. So he deliberately regaled everyone at dinner with the news of the double find, and let her believe that success caused his jubilant mood.

The youngsters went to bed and then Zara, probably with some prompting from her mother for she started yawning much earlier than usual, went off to bed.

Damia winked and led the way into Afra’s study which was completely shielded.

`You’ve been very good this evening, dear, and we appreciate it because the news is not generally known. Father said there’s a hold on it. But the B-Squadron which went to track down one of the three Hive ships that did escape the nova has been located.’ Afra took up the narration. `There’re three ships in Squadron B: the `Dini KTTS —` `That’s one of the class Aurigae ore built —` `Yes, and so are the two human cruisers, the Arapahoe and the Genesee. This may be premature but the High Councils want to have a Prime out there, to relay messages. Your brother has done so well in that capacity that, even though you are not quite sixteen, your grandfather, and Gollee, feel that you are able for the duties and responsibilities.’ `Dad, I can’t teach like Thian could…

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne