Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

`We need you, lad,’ he said kindly, but his face was haggard with fatigue. `It’s over and we’ve got to report it.’ What…. happened, finally, sir?’ Rojer knuckled his eyes but a cup of steaming coffee was put in front of him and he took it gratefully from the astrogator Langio.

`The incommer ran Out of ammunition, by the looks of it,’ Metrios said, pausing before he sipped from his own cup. `Then a big shuttle blew a hole midships – probably a cargo or docking area. Prtglm said that once Queens got on board, they’d take over control of the crew.

But that’s only supposition because as Prtglm kept saying on and on and on ` Doplas muttered, rolling his eyes.

The `Dinis have no precedent for the behaviour we witnessed. Now everybody, except you, Rojer, can stand down from red alert. Nor shall I keep you up much longer, either,’ Captain Osullivan said, and surprised Rojer no end by giving him a friendly buffet on the shoulder as he extended the notepad.

Grandfather was sleepy, too, but he was instantly alert when he recognized Rojer’s voice and overrode apologies.

Rojer delivered the message, speaking it aloud, which of course made it much longer to transmit.

Well, that is stunning news. Then his grandfather chuckled. The Squadron would have had a very warm welcome had it ploughed right in there as some would have liked. Don’t repeat that, Rojer.

Of course not, sir, and Rojer even managed to keep his face straight. We were on red alert. For hours. I’m not sure how long the fighting did last.

That’s irrelevant, Rojer. That it occurred, with such ferocity and duration, with such a result, is!

Caution, and more caution, are needed. Even the most bellicose `Dini will see that now. That battle may have saved many human and `Dini lives.

But, Grandfather, for Rojer realized that the official part of their contact had been discharged, there’re now four Hive ships that this world can use for colonizing. That’s not good.

Perhaps, Rojer. But they haven’t left that system yet. Maybe they won’t. I’m nattering with you, lad, because I’ve sent Captain Osullivan’s report and there may be an immediate signal back. Can you stay awake? I can feel you yawning along with me.

Rojer grinned. He saw Captain Osullivan’s eyebrows raise in query. `Earth Prime wants me to stay in touch, sir, in case there’s an immediate reply to your report.’ `Oh!’ And Captain Osullivan began to pace up and down the narrow walkway along the stations.

Many of the other officers had left the bridge and the duty helmsman had been replaced. A lieutenant manned Doplas’ seat but the nice astrogator was still at her desk, blinking frequently as she stared at the display in front of her.

Fraid we’ll have to leave you where you are, Rojer, his grandfather said, and that goes for the squadron, too. Repeat aloud `Message for Captain Osullivan aboard AS Genesee, report received.

Data being analysed. The squadron is to remain in present positions unless enemy traffic requires resettlement. All activity on subject planet is to be reported on an ongoing basis: in twelve-hour intervals unless increased activity suggests imminent departure of enemy ships.

Reconnaissance by probe must be continued and the scope increased if at all possible. Additional personnel will be teleported at further notice. High Councillor Gktmglnt and Admiral Tohl Mekturian.

End message.’ Rojer, I think your brother will be joining you.

May even be replacing you.

Aw, Granddad, it’s getting exciting now! And they don’t think of me as just a `kid’ anymore!

Professionally and personally, I’m delighted to hear that, but I do believe that you may have witnessed the only `exciting’ part that will happen for a while. Be that as it may, you’re stuck there a while longer.


Thian is six weeks at least from a point where we can `port him from the KLTL. You’re stuck on board till then.

That’s all right with me, sir. Commander Metrios is giving me some naval engineering courses, so I’m not even missing schooling.

Ha! was his grandfather’s surprising comment.

You’re not the only one of my grandchildren who takes the initiative. Since you couldn’t possibly guess what your sister Zara did She got to see the Queen?

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne