Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part five

There’ll be a reply to this, I’m sure, Rojer. Let’s set an arbitrary time every hour on the hour for reply. That’ll make it a tad easier on you. What is your current time?

Rojer looked up at the digital and told his grandfather the ship’s time: 0505. Then, out loud, he added, `The message has been acknowledged at 0933 Earth time, Captain, and has already been forwarded to the High Councils. Earth Prime asks me to be ready to receive a message every hour on the hour: or 0600 Ship’s time.’ He slipped out of the couch, making himself straighten up.

`If you don’t need me now, sir, I’ll get back to my `Dinis. If they wake and find me gone, they won’t know where to find me.’ Rather awkwardly, Captain Osullivan gave him a pat on the back. `Do that, lad. Do just that.’ The fourth time Rojer arrived on the bridge for the appointed hour, to his immense relief, he `heard’ his grandfather’s alert.

`The generators, please, Commander,’ he said, nodding to Metrios.

He lay back and let the gestalt extend his range. He also pushed down all the negative feelings he’d been subjected to during the last four hours. Hell, he was only a kid. Why was he getting the stick?

It’s not as if he could warn the Hivers. Or even wanted to. If only he’d been more awake, he would have sensed the vibes in the room and kept his mouth shut. No-one here could tell what he was thinking.

Were these some of the reactions his parents and grandparents had had to deal with when they were among the unTalented?

That message put the cat among the pigeons, lad, his grandfather said, chuckling. Here are their orders. Repeat mentally and vocally after me. There 3” must be no misunderstanding. Rojer said that much aloud. To Captain Etienne Osullivan, aboard the AS Genesee in response to telepathed message received 0933 this date by Earth Prime. Reply 1300 hours precisely from Earth Prime Raven to Aurigaean Prime Lyon.

Message reads: No action is to be taken against unarmed ship. No action must arouse the suspicions of the colony world that it has been penetrated. If squadron can launch additional reconnaissance units of the new type, details of the inhabited planets and moons would be of inestimable value in formulating strategy. Repeat, further reconnaissance may only be undertaken if there is no risk of disclosing Alliance presence in the system. When the reconnaissance is completed, or risk of discovery imminent, Squadron B is to retreat behind heliopause, maintaining discreet surveillance of system. Do not, repeat, do not engage enemy. This is by order of the High Councils of the Alliance. Gktmglnt and Admiral Tohl Mekturian presiding. End of signal. Earth Prime Raven sending.

Aurigaean Lyon receiving at Earth time 1300:10.90 and acknowledging.

Well done, lad.

I’ll hope they think so, Granddad.

They will. And you are entitled to call yourself Prime, you know, since you’re doing the work of one. That was delivered in a firm admonitory tone which made Rojer wriggle a little in pride.

Grandfather would not have said something like that if he didn’t mean it. Then his voice took on its `official’ tone. A message capsule has also been des patched. That’s what took so long, getting it written down. Naval types! Get ready to catch it.

Confirmation of the message, signed, sealed and pick it up for delivery… Now!

`A message capsule’s on its way, Commander,’ Rojer said, sitting up and gesturing for Metrios to keep the generators up to peak. `It’s coming in now.’ And the slim message tube dropped the last inch on to the carpeted floor by the captain’s feet. Rojer grimaced, wishing that he had managed an absolutely, perfect landing. `This way, sir, you know no-one 5 been able to tamper with it.’ Someone, somewhere on the bridge, gave a low whistle. The security officer glared around but the culprit was not identified.

Captain Osullivan pressed his thumb to the seal of the tube and it obligingly popped its lid, the rolled sheaf extruding. The captain opened it, scanned it and grunted. `Good transmission, lad. Every comma and dot in place.’ He handed the flimsy to the com officer.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne