Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

Considerable debates went on about her probable companions. One block insisted that she was alone to ensure her survival if a lengthy journey to a safe haven was required. `Dinis pondered her possible suicide rather than fall into inimical hands.

A very small group of humans wanted to greet her civilly – that being the best way to win her cooperation. How would she know, these proponents argued, that she had been rescued/retrieved by putative enemies? Human vessels had only recently taken space with their `Dini allies and the Queen would be unaware of the Alliance. Perhaps if she was met with courtesy, more could be learned.

`Dini resistance to that interpretation was solid.

Denebians and any Talent interviewed refuted that attitude.

They weren’t at Deneb, the Rowan said in an implacable tone of voice that made Rojer hope his grandmother never directed it at him.

He had heard her addressing his father and he couldn’t help but hear that part of the conversation. They didn’t feel the alienness that we felt, the resolution to have Deneb for their get! The Hivers cannot be allowed uncontrolled proliferation. Their depredations must be curtailed.

I agree, Rowan, Afra said. Risking your displeasure, I wonder if we are taking the right attitude.

With the Hive homeworld destroyed, isn’t it possible that the loss of their home base will limit further activities?

Afra! Do you recall nothing of your contact with the Hivers? His grandmother’s anger at his father’s mildly delivered rebuttal was such that Rojer strengthened his shields. He was only on the periphery of her mental projection and the agitation was palpable. How could his father handle the full weight of her disapproval?

I recall it all in an exceedingly vivid memory, Rowan, but so far – and I haven’t been against the Alliance in any way, shape or form we’ve blithely accepted the Mrdini judgements as irrefutable. Would it not be the better part of wisdom – since we consider ourselves sophisticated and civilized – to see if direct contact with a representative of the Hivers is justified?

Really, Afra Lyon, only our longstanding friendship and involvement keeps me from suspecting your loyalties!

Rojer scrunched down under his thermal blanket, reassured by the warmth of Gil and Kat, sleeping on either side of him. This bunk was not made for such occupancy and he woke up each morning with cramp.

Not that this minor discomfort was more than that. His bed at Aurigae had always allowed for three growing bodies. He’d been having a fascinating `Dini dream and he used this to get back to sleep, ignoring the distress that conversation had produced in him. The Rowan might be his grandmother and highly respected, a heroine for being the focus of the Denebian repulsion, but she shouldn’t speak to his father like that!

When Rojer woke the next morning, he had vivid recollections of his `Dini dream. So did Gil and Kat.

They were all for rushing down to Cargo 3, for the dream had been about fitting pieces together.

As sure as they were that three pieces would fit, Rojer scrambled into his clothes, remembered to depilate the fuzz from his jaw – while Gil and Kat harangued him for dawdling, jumping up and down like jacks in their excitement.

CERTAIN PERSONAL HABITS MUST BE PERFORMED TO PROJECT AUTHORITY AND PRESERVE DIGNITY, he told them so firmly that they subsided. He couldn’t run ragtag about the Beijing as he could about Aurigae. And his father would give him one of those looks, letting Rojer know that he had dropped the family standard.

GET ThERE MOST QUICKLY? Gil asked, for the first time asking to be `ported. Usually that was Rojer’ S option and scrupulously observed by the `Dinis.


Rojer hunkered down, arms about his friends, and `ported into the passageway adjacent to Cargo 3.

That should be a safe enough destination. If someone spotted them miraculously appearing, well, everyone on board knew he was a Prime and why shouldn’t he use the Talent he’d been given. It wasn’t as if he had been indiscriminately popping in and out. And anyone who might be near Cargo 3 would know that he was also a puzzle buff.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne