Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

Afra leaned forward across the table, lightly tapping his wife’s hand and she turned to make eye contact. Rojer held his breath, wanting to be bold enough to `peek’ at what was being said, but knowing that would be the death of any chance he had.

Surely his father was arguing that he ought to have this chance In the hour, then, and thank you, Damia. Once again, you’re decorating the family crown with the jewels of your womb!


Rojer couldn’t help grinning because his grandfather had meant him to know that he’d get this splendid chance to see some action! Then he caught how thin his mother’s lips were and saw the anger in her eyes.

Oh, pleeeeeeassssse, he said, shutting his eyes so he wouldn’t see any other negative signs.

Oh, open your eyes, Rojer. Wiser heads than mine have prevailed, his mother said, her tone caustic, but when he dared look in her direction, she had just the slightest hint of a smile. I think you’re too young but my father and yours believe you’re not! She cocked one eyebrow up – in challenge – and he grinned back at her.

`In an hour, Mother?’ Rojer was so excited he could barely enunciate the words.

`You’re going to let roj go?’ Zara asked, incredulous with eyes wide as saucers.

Damia cleared her throat. `He won’t be gone long, Zara,’ she said firmly and shot Rojer a reproving glance for he was jumping up and down in his chair.

WE GO TO THE BEUING, TO THE SHIP, TO SEE THE QUEEN, he told his `Dinis who began hooting and whistling. That set off all the rest of the young `Dinis – with the exception of Gil and Kat who were so astonished at their good fortune that they had covered their poll eyes.

It took all the adults, and some loud crackling from Flk and Tri to reduce the noise level. Then Damia called her dinner table to order.

`You’ll need all your dinner for a stunt like this,’ she said and served Rojer first.

It happened to be his favorite fruit pie. He’d finished up his portion when Zara dumped half hers on his plate: her manner was so mournful zi8

that she must think he was going to his death or something.

Sweetie, don’t be sad! I want to go, he said, cuddling his sister because he could never bear for Zara to be anything but happy and carefree. She never whined but oh, could she look pathetic! Not even Mother could withstand a truly unhappy Zara.

Morag, on the other hand, was frankly envious of his assignment and Rojer hoped that this would settle her down when she had to be in a Tower link. Kaltia, Ewain and Petra were still much too young to do more than exercise around the house and grounds. But Morag was twelve and a good strong Talent, probably Prime stuff – if she’d ever work at it.

who was he to talk?

That’s right, son, his father said unexpectedly and Rojer grimaced, hoping Dad hadn’t `heard’ much.

Dad just didn’t violate privacy. He had wanted to get his attention. If you’ve finished eating, we’ve some details to go over, and listen for. They’re still deciding where to plonk the pod down.

I’ll just bet they are! Rojer still couldn’t believe his good fortune. Going on such a trip and with his dad! Then he saw his mother’s unqualified smile of approval and grinned back. You’ll see, Mom. We’ll make `em all notice Iota Aurigae!

Damia was still smiling but she said, I’d rather the operation went so smoothly, no-one noticed!

Damia, love, he’s fifteen and this is glory!

You got it, Dad! And Rojer gave the all-ahead-go signal.

`You’ll need ship suits and they’re packed away,’ Damia said, leaving the table to go to the storeroom.

Is she really angry? Rojer asked his father as softly as he could while he pretended to finish scraping his dessert plate.

Not angry, son, not angry at you. You’re all growing up too fast for her. The proud look Afra gave his son made him feel as if he could lick a Hiver Queen singlehandedly.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne