Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

`You’re a good… guy,’ the chief said and Rojer knew that he’d been about to say `kid’ and Rojer grinned in appreciation.

`Wish you luck, Chief. Maybe you’ll get the next match!’ `For the honour of the Beijing!’ Firr replied with a broad grin and held out his hand to Rojer.

Without hesitation Rojer took it, and knew that the chief had liked him for himself, and because he’d put a plug in that motor mouth of an ensign. He had to shake hands all round after that and did so, gathering the impression that, despite being a Talent and still downy cheeked, the crew liked him.

Almost more elated by that than the piecing, Rojer went to join his father in the messroom.

Gil and Kat asked to stay in Cargo 3, just in case something else from their shared dream had results. When Rojer asked permission for the `Dinis to stay behind, Chief Firr absently concurred: he was already collecting more rounded bits that might possibly add to Rojer’s contribution.

As Rojer left, behind him was an excited buzz of folk given a positive stimulus to their avocation.

Captain Smelkoff joined them for breakfast, adding his own compliments for the join.

`On an extended mission like this, Rojer, this sort of preoccupation is invaluable and you’ve just added the impetus of success. Good morale booster. You two are quite a team. I liked that older boy of yours, Mr Lyon, didn’t see enough of him. Real pleasure to have you aboard, and special thanks for importing those fresh supplies! Feed the crew well enough and they’ll put up with a lot of privation.’ Then the captain leaned towards Afra in a mock conspiratorial pose. `You couldn’t leave this one behind for a while, could you? I guarantee I’d make a sailor of him!’ Afra grinned broadly. `Unfortunately, Captain, he’s about to take up his own station.

That was news to Rojer but, on the heels of that thought, he realized his father was courteously dissembling.

`Well, I’m sure he’ll be a credit to you. A real credit.’ Rojer began to feel distinctly uncomfortable in the light of such effusive commendation. He knew he’d done a good job of what he was sent to do: he was delighted to have had a whole week on board a mission vessel; he was elated to have matched artefacts, even if he wasn’t the first to do so. That was almost a relief. But he had only been doing what he was trained to do, `porting and interpreting `Dini dreams.

How many of the others could have shared the same dream? he asked his father, as he ate, in as self-effacing manner as he could.

That was how it came to you then? It might be instructive to find out how many had similar dreams. The com indicated diverse origins.

Rojer kept to himself, and from Gil and Kat, that there’d be a diversion to Callisto Station and a side trip to Heinlein Base. But that made it easier for him to say his farewells to captain, chiefs, crew and Ensign Bhuto who, for once, only grinned and let Rojer do the talking.

With the hatch closed, Rojer took a deep breath and stood behind his father’s focus to push the carrier back to Callisto Station.

So my grandson has covered himself with glory, has he? said his grandmother in a mood much different from the one he had overheard in the night.

Not especially, Grandmother, Rojer said equably because he just knew she’d be waiting to jump on any pretensions.

Hmm. I’d say the mission did you a lot of good, young man. I hate a cocky boy!

When would one of us Lyons have a chance to learn to be cocky?

That’s exactly what I meant. All right, get out of that spatial coffin and have a meal with me. I don’t get the chance to see you often enough.

I’m stuffed with breakfast, thank you. Hungry as he usually was, there was a limit to Rojer’s capacity.

You’ll stop then while I breakfast. Then you can take yourself to Heinlein Base. I can trust you to do that, can’t I?

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne