Damia’s Children by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

In deference to their `Dini companions, for Afra’s friend, Tri, was waiting outside, enjoying the fresh air, the Primes walked up the slope to their home.

Lights were coming up as dusk was well settled on Iota Aurigae.

The ever-present dim noise from the mines and smelting works which were active on an uninterrupted schedule reached their ears, punctuated by occasional loud rattles, like distant avalanches.

More big daddies to shift tomorrow then, Rojer thought with a resignation which he quickly depressed where his father couldn’t sense it. But involuntarily a sigh escaped his lips.

It’s good practice for a developing Prime, his father said, permitting a little pride to be read in the thought. Linking minds as well as `porting masses.

`Porting all the time is booooooring. As soon as the thought crossed his mind, Rojer regretted it.

And spending hours contemplating bits and pieces is not? Afra gave a good-natured snort.

Rojer answered that with a sniff. Not the same thing at all, Dad.

Link, grip, lift, push! That’s boring. We’re never allowed to hang about and listen to what the other Primes tell you because, and here Rojer allowed his disgust to colour his tone, we’re too yung The time of being too young is so short, my son.

The wistful tone in his father’s mind surprised Rojer and he glanced at Afra. Suddenly his father smiled and Rojer answered because they both realized that he didn’t have to look so far up any longer.

They were nearly of a height.

Yes, Rojer, the time of being young is very short.

There are very few months left when you may indulge your enthusiasms.

But, Dad, haven’t there been engineering Primes?

The critical need for FT&T right now is for Talents able to handle the responsibilities of a Tower.

Or a ship? Like Thian? That prospect did excite Rojer. Dad, couldn’t I at least ship out?

Because Thian has? Afra smiled without rancour, for Rojer adored his older brother and, most of the z’z time, chose to emulate his example. That is not up to either your mother or me.

Wouldn’t you at least ask Grandfather?

Afra placed his arm gently across his son’s shoulders: broad enough already and certainly strongly muscled.

Your grandfather is aware of every facet of your training, abilities, and yes, your wishes. I will not say we have to transcend personal preferences right now – You just said it anyway, but Rojer grinned at his father. And I know my duty!

Afra heard the resignation in that and wished that Rojer were as pliant as his older sister and brother, as enthusiastic about the shape of his future as they had been. He also remembered how rebellious he had been at Rojer’s age but, he devoutly hoped, without the same cause.

As much as they could within the framework of their contracts with Federal Transport and Telepath, they tried not to prevent their children from feeling trapped by their Talent. They’d sent their children to other planets Deneb, Earth, Altair, and once even Capella though that was not a successful visit – to broaden their outlooks and perspectives. The service of FT&T was not without its prerogatives which – most of the time – made up for the responsibilities. He must have a few words with Jeff, to be sure that the head of FT&T was fully aware of Rojer’s mechanical aptitude and interest. Or perhaps a word with Gollee Gren – who was head of Placement and Training – might be more fruitful.

Aromatic odours wafted on the soft evening breeze and both men and `Dini increased the speed of their strides.

`I’ll tell you this but once, Rojer,’ Afra said sternly as they hurried up the terrace steps to the house, `you hunt next, by yourself, on Thursday, and if you forget, you’ll not only get no supper of any kind, but you’re sequestered!’ `Yes, Dad,’ Rojer agreed meekly because that was fair. Zara hated to hunt – she was really so sensitive an empath that she could not accept the necessity of killing for food.

Good thing she had gone with Morag who had no such compunctions and had developed into the best shot in the household. But she shouldn’t have to do all the hunting: that wasn’t fair either. But he had been so sure that he’d find the match the very next minute —WE ALL GO. WE FIND MUCH TO EAT, Gil said earnestly, tugging on Afra’s fingers.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne