Dark Magic. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 4

Johnson cleared his throat twice, trying not to make an ass of himself. “We appreciate your coming in like this to help us out. Thank you for identifying the body; I know it must have been difficult for you.” He waited, but when neither spoke, he went on. “We’d like to clear up a few things concerning that night. We already have statements from security and the drivers who loaded the truck. You both seem to have an airtight alibi, Ms. Dubrinsky. Security saw you leave and saw Peter on the loading dock. Peter never drove out. When was the last time you saw Peter Sanders alive?”

Savannah knew that Gregori had planted the scene in the minds of the security personnel as they had left the stadium that horrible night. “Detective Johnson,” she began.

Her voice was every bit as beautiful as she was. “Call me David,” he found himself saying to his complete astonishment.

Her husband stirred, a slight rippling of muscles, a suggestion of danger. Those brilliant, slashing eyes settled on Johnson’s face, touching him with cold air, the vision of an empty grave, a shiver of death. He swallowed nervously, suddenly glad it was not one of his new detectives assigned to this bizarre case. Johnson could almost believe that this man was perfectly capable of killing someone. What was a woman like Savannah Dubrinsky doing with such a man?

“I picked Savannah up an hour or so after her performance,” Gregori informed him softly while Savannah sat with her head bowed, twisting her fingers together. Anguish radiated from her, turning Gregori’s heart of stone to mush. He was fully aware of the detective’s thoughts and purposely dropped his voice an octave lower. Anyone with half a brain would see he was dangerous; it wasn’t easy to hide that kind of thing, and Gregori didn’t particularly feel like doing so. “The props were being loaded into the trucks, and most of the workers had already left,” he said softly.

Johnson found himself hanging on to every word, listening to the pitch and cadence of the voice. It was like a running brook. This man, this Gregori, was honest, had integrity. Johnson shifted position, leaning across the desk toward the man. He couldn’t help himself; it was almost as if he was mesmerized.

“Peter was alive and well at that point,” Gregori went on softly. “We talked for a few minutes, perhaps as long as half an hour. The truck with the props was pulling away just as we decided to leave. Peter walked to his car but called back to us that he had left his keys on the loading platform.”

Savannah ducked her head, feeling a shudder run through her. She was pale but composed. Inside, she could hear herself screaming in outrage, in sorrow. Gregori appeared not to move, yet his body was touching hers so that his warmth could seep into her skin. It amazed her, the perfectly acceptable tale he wove in his beautiful voice. No one would ever question him. How could they, when he controlled all within hearing of his voice?

“That was the last you saw of him alive?” Johnson asked.

Savannah nodded. Gregori laced his fingers through hers. “Peter was our friend as well as our business associate. He handled everything for Savannah. Without Peter, there is no show. I have many businesses that keep me extremely busy. Peter took care of every detail of the magic shows for us. As you can imagine, this is devastating for my wife. For both of us. We should have waited until he was safe in his car, but I had been away from Savannah for some time, and we were anxious to be off together. The security personnel were still within sight, so we didn’t think anything about it.”

“You didn’t go to the hotel.” Johnson made it a statement.

Again it was Gregori who answered smoothly, his voice soft and hypnotic. “No, we went to property we own outside of the city. It was not until this evening that we heard the news.”

“Why didn’t you check out of the hotel, Savannah?” Johnson asked her directly. It was difficult not to stare at her entrancing beauty.

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Categories: Christine Feehan