Dark Magic. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 4

Once within the compound he waved a hand to dispense with the safeguards, freeing Savannah from her invisible prison. She was sitting, her knees drawn up to her chest, her chin resting on top of her knees. Her large blue eyes fastened on the stream of smoke as he approached her. Gregori took shape at her feet, his tall, masculine frame looming over her.

She stood up slowly, her enormous eyes never leaving his face. It was Savannah who closed the inches separating them, who circled his waist with her slender arms. She laid her head against his chest, over the steady beating of his heart. “I was so afraid for you, Gregori.” There were tears in her voice, trails on her face. “Never leave me alone like that again. It’s better to be with you, even if I’m in danger.” Her hands were moving over him, slipping under his shirt to explore his skin to assure herself he was unharmed. “I could feel how much pain you were in, how the poison he used did so much damage.”

Her hands touched his throat. Stroked his thick hair. She touched him everywhere. She had to touch him. She couldn’t help herself. She found each raw wound Carter’s knife had made. Her breath caught in her throat, and she lowered her head to gently soothe each cut with healing saliva.

Gregori caught both her arms and set her a few inches away from him. “Look at me, ma chérie. Really look at me. See me for what I am.” He gave her a slight shake. “Really look at me, Savannah.”

Her blue-violet eyes searched his pale ones. “What do you think I see, lifemate? You are not the monster I named you. Not the monster you named yourself. You are a great Carpathian, a great healer. You are my other half.” Her eyes flashed at him. “Don’t think you’re going to get away with this nonsense you pulled, leaving me trapped to wait alone within these walls. Never again. I mean it, Gregori. From now on, I go with you.”

His hand bunched her hair behind her head tightly. He dragged her closer. “Never into danger. Never.” He lowered his head to find her mouth, to claim what was his. His heart was bursting in his chest. Her eyes had been clear—shadowed with worry, perhaps—but free of fear. He held her head pinned perfectly still while his mouth moved over hers, while he devoured her sweetness and made his demands. Savannah held nothing back, accepting his domination, returning his kiss with the same hunger he was communicating to her. He gathered her into his arms, crushing her body to his. “Never, Savannah. Never will I allow you to be in danger.”

“How do you think I feel about you?” she demanded. “Look into my mind, see what I had to go through while you dealt with the poison.” She touched his wounds with gentle fingers. “When he was doing this to you.”

“The poison would have consumed you, Savannah, had you been injected with it. I relayed the elements of the toxin to Aidan. He will ensure that those in our homeland are aware of this new danger. We can develop an antidote with what we now know.” His hands were moving up and down her back, over her hips, cupping her firm bottom, pressing her close. His body was aching and full, and her caressing hands only inflamed him more.

“It could have been lethal for all you knew, Gregori,” she said. “You had no idea what was in that poison.” She pulled at his clothing, tearing his shirt open to get at his chest, inspecting every inch of him, tasting his skin, the offensive wounds Carter had left behind.

“I am a healer, Savannah. I can neutralize poison.” Her hands were inflaming him, pouring fire into his body.

She pushed at his trousers anxiously, her palm sliding around his heavy fullness. The beast in his nature, already so close to the surface, broke free and took her to the floor, ripping the clothes from her body as he did so.

He pinned her down, one knee shoving hard between her legs to give him access.

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Categories: Christine Feehan