Dark Magic. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 4

“I hope you do, Savannah. I hope you are prepared for the reality of my way of life. I can do no other than protect our people. It is not always pretty or clean.” He spoke gruffly, his beautiful voice mesmerizing. He stepped away from her abruptly, yet her small fingers retained possession of his hand. “You will stay inside, ma petite. I will provide safeguards for you. Do not attempt to defy me.”

She rubbed the back of his hand against her cheek. “I’ll do as you request.”

He caught her chin firmly, tipped her face up, and fastened his mouth to hers. At once the electricity arced and sizzled between them. White-hot heat enveloped them both. Then Gregori put her from him and simply disappeared.

He moved through space, unseen, with the ease of long practice, a soft wind blowing through the trees. Wade Carter was attempting to scale the west wall. Three of the wolves were pacing beneath him, fangs gleaming in the gathering dusk. Carter’s trousers snagged on a rock outcropping, momentarily holding him prisoner. Gregori shimmered, hanging in the wind, insubstantial, then solidified a few feet from the reporter.

Carter’s breath exploded out of his lungs. “My God, you really are a vampire! I knew it! I knew I was right.”

Gregori could smell the man’s fear, his agitation. He perched casually on the wall beside Carter with his easy, lazy grace. “I told you we would meet again soon. I always keep my promises,” he replied softly.

The voice seemed to slice right through the reporter’s mind. Wade rubbed his pounding temples. He had never been so afraid, never so excited. The real thing was sitting right beside him. He fumbled in his pocket for reassurance, felt for the dart gun. “Why did you decide to show yourself to me?” He tried to keep his voice from shaking.

Gregori smiled at him. There was no humor in that smile, just a white flash of gleaming menace. The cold silver eyes were unblinking, like those of a great jungle cat. Carter found it unnerving. “You disturbed my wife,” Gregori answered softly. His voice was beautiful, hypnotic.

Carter shook his head to banish the sluggishness from his brain. “Do you really think you’re so powerful that you can get away with killing me?”

Gregori’s muscles rippled, a hint of his enormous strength. “Do you really think I am not?”

“I would never have confronted you without support. I’m not alone,” Carter blustered. He was fighting to get the dart gun from his pocket, where it was stuck.

“There is no one else here, Mr. Carter,” Gregori corrected. “Just the two of us. I thought I might have a look inside your head.” His tone had dropped an octave, was soft and persuasive, impossible to resist.

Sweat broke out on Carter’s forehead. “I won’t let you,” he objected, but he found himself leaning forward to look into the molten silver eyes. He was supposed to be protected against a mind invasion! All in the society were protected. Vampires’ voices couldn’t affect them; the eyes couldn’t put them in a trance. No one could read their minds or take away their memories. All of them in the society had undergone extensive hypnosis to resist such an abomination. And they had worked on a formula for more than thirty years. Scientists, good scientists, who had the benefit of vampire blood to work with.

Gregori pushed through the surprisingly strong barrier to inspect the man’s mind. He could see the culmination of the secret society’s research, their eagerness to find a new specimen. They had extracted blood from several of the victims they had tortured and mutilated some thirty years earlier. Gregori inhaled sharply. They had a drug they were certain could be used to incapacitate their victim, so that they could imprison what they believed to be vampire and study and dissect it at their leisure. The society was larger than any of his kind had believed.

He released the reporter’s mind, deliberately allowing the man to know he had been extracting information. Carter swore obscenely and brought up the dart gun. The needle pierced Gregori’s skin right above his heart. He felt the penetration, felt the instant release of poison into his blood.

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Categories: Christine Feehan