Dark Magic. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 4

“I can speak the healing chant. I think I was born knowing it. My father drilled it into my mother all the time.”

Gregori was moving carefully throughout the room. “The chant is as old as time, as old as our race, and very effective. It is imprinted on us before our birth and has saved many lives. Your mother had to learn it quickly, as every voice is needed.” His voice was a whisper, as if his very breath might disturb the ancient message shimmering in the air.

Savannah loved the sound of his voice, the black velvet that slid into her mind, into her heart. “What does it say?” Her voice was as soft as his.

“It is from Julian,” he said. “He has brought justice to two vampires that had recently taken up residence in this town, so that you would not be in any danger.”

“See? There’s no danger at all. We can enjoy the festival.” She smiled brightly.

“That is not all he had to say.” His voice was neutral.

Savannah’s smile faded abruptly. “Somehow I knew you were going to say that. It looks like a lot of work for a simple sentence or two. Over by the window there it looks as if he left us a map.”

“He has several safe places scattered around the city, even in the bayou, to ensure our safety. Below, in the basement chamber, is a secret place we can escape to if need be. He left a present for us.”

She watched his face, her eyes on his. “And?” she prompted softly.

“There are members of the human vampire-hunting society here. Morrison’s name has cropped up again. Apparently, Julian stumbled on evidence of the group some time ago. They set up shop here in New Orleans because so many rumors of vampires persist. They believe there must be activity here to warrant their interest. Julian has given me some places to start looking. Names. Businesses. A local hangout where the members try to get information.”

Savannah let her breath out slowly. “Well, so much for the jazz festival. We wanted them to follow us, but instead we walked into the lion’s den. I must have a gift for attracting these weirdos.”

“You probably do,” Gregori said seriously. “It can be an asset as well as a curse. Your mother was a human psychic. Perhaps she passed on something of her gift to you.”

Savannah stood in the center of her house, her long lashes concealing her expression. Gregori made his way back to her. She looked small and vulnerable next to his powerful frame. He tucked a stray strand of her blue-black hair behind her ear. “Savannah,” he breathed, “do not look so upset. We wanted them to come after us, did we not? This is not the end of the world. We can still enjoy the jazz festival while we are here.”

Savannah shook her head. “Let’s just go, Gregori. It sounded good at the time, but now I don’t like the idea quite so much.”

Gregori regarded her set features for a long moment, examining her pale face. The hard edge to his mouth softened. The silver eyes lost their remote coolness, warming to molten mercury. There was a curious shifting in the region of his heart. “You are trying to protect me again, Savannah.” He shook his head. There was no smile on his face, but it was in his heart all the same. No one had ever thought to shield him; no one had ever considered the danger he was in as a hunter. Yet now, this small, fragile woman with her enormous eyes was wrapping herself so tightly around his heart because she genuinely wanted his safety. “I do not need protection from these people. They must be dealt with. If it has to be on their ground, so be it. Julian has provided me with enough information that I am not walking into this thing blind.”

“They already suspect us, Gregori, because Wade Carter told them he was bringing a specimen. And they passed that information on to this Morrison person. They’ll be looking for us. For you.”

“Then we can do no other than oblige them. I will work on an antidote for their poison. I do not want to chance your being injected without first protecting you.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan