Dark Magic. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 4

“We belong to a secret society,” he whispered softly, his voice so low that only the two Carpathians could possibly hear. He didn’t want his partner to know he was betraying the members. There was a curious buzzing in his head, like a swarm of bees. He broke out in a sweat.

Savannah touched him lightly, a brushing of fingers across his arm. Curiously, she brought a refreshing breeze with that touch, one that cleared his head for a moment so that the oppressive pain lightened. Her smile sent a shiver of excitement through him, of such desire and need that he wanted to fall at her feet. “How exciting. Is it dangerous?” She tilted her head, an innocent seductress luring him closer and closer.

Randall was aware of the smallness of her waist, the fullness of her breasts, the sway of her hips. He had never wanted anything more in his life, and her enormous eyes were focused only on him, saw only him. He swallowed hard. “Very dangerous. We hunt vampires. The real thing, not this nonsense.”

Her perfect mouth formed a small O. She had beautiful lips, rose-petal soft, moist, pouty, kissable lips.

Savannah, stop now. He is dangerous, whether you think so or not. His mind stinks of the vampire.

I might find out where Morrison is.

I said no. Gregori reached out and shackled her wrist, yanking her from between the two men to the protection of his body. I will not use you to find the undead. He will trace the path back to you. I have no choice but to destroy this one.

Her face paled visibly, long lashes sweeping down to conceal her eyes. Why not heal him as you did the captain?

I cannot heal what is essentially evil. His thumb feathered gently back and forth across the pulse beating so strongly in her inner wrist. He is a servant of the vampire, and you know it, Savannah. You knew it the moment you touched his mind. What you can find and trace, so can the vampire. And he is more adept than you. I cannot allow such a risk to you.

Randall crowded close, wrapped in the thrall of mental compulsion. He perceived the hand on Savannah’s wrist as evil, a coiled snake dragging her away from her rightful place at his side.

Gregori focused on the partner, John Perkins. The man’s mind was stronger than Randall Smith’s. The vampire’s hold on him was much blacker, as if Perkins had been in close contact for a longer period of time. He was staring at Savannah suspiciously. Gregori could easily pick out the dark lust, the jealousy that she chose Randall for her attention instead of him. Perkins was twisted inside, the vampire’s compulsion working on his already depraved mind.

Morrison knew how to choose his servants. The vicious, ugly nature of malicious men, those without friends or relatives, those hungry for violence and depravity. He sent them among the curious, those like Gary, people with quick, intelligent minds open to the paranormal. People isolated by their very intelligence and open-mindedness. The vampire was able to use those intelligent men by luring them with false hopes, false promises, using them for research and the legwork needed for his legions of true servants.

Gregori sighed softly. He was what he was. Guilt could not be a part of his existence. He was responsible for the continuation of his race and for Savannah’s safety. He thrust into John Perkins’s mind, past the vampire’s control, and planted the seeds of destruction. His hand on Savannah’s wrist tightened, and he quickened their pace to put distance between the society members and his lifemate.

Once again their guide stopped them all and was weaving a tale of debauchery, and murder. The crowd was silent, captivated by the interesting history of the city. Gregori inserted Savannah into the throng, his larger frame protecting her from the impending violence.

Out on the street, John Perkins stared malevolently at Randall Smith. “You always have to ruin everything, Smith. You always have to be the one to talk to Morrison. I’m closest to him, but you just have to prove you’re the big cheese.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan