Dark Magic. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 4

Bats dipped and wheeled, feasting on insects in the air. Fragrance from the flowers muted the oppressive pollution from the narrow streets, but nothing could drown out the noise. Music from all directions clashed with the clatter of horse hooves on cobblestones, car horns blaring, and voices raised in laughter, in merriment.

Gregori sorted out the sounds, listened to snippets of conversation, and got a feel for the rhythm of the neighborhood. It would take a few days for him to become comfortable in this environment. He would have liked a chance to explore it on his own beforehand to ensure Savannah’s safety. “We need to take a walk,” he said abruptly. “I want to see all the entrances and exits, get to know the faces and voices that belong here.”

Savannah pushed open the iron gate and stepped out onto the street. A young couple standing on the porch next door stared at them curiously. Savannah sent them a smile and waved happily. The woman raised an arm in answer.

Do not act so friendly, Savannah. You are a celebrity. We will have enough attention drawn to us.

They are our neighbors. Try not to scare them to death, will you? Savannah took his arm, grinning up at him teasingly. “You look as fierce as a member of the Mafia. No wonder our neighbors are staring. People tend to be curious. Wouldn’t you be if someone moved in next door to you?”

“I don’t abide next-door neighbors. When humans consider building in the vicinity of one of my homes, the neighborhood is suddenly inundated with wolves. It works every time.” He sounded menacing.

Savannah laughed at him. “You’re such a baby, Gregori. Scared of a little company.”

“You scare me to death, woman. Because of you I find myself doing things I know are totally insane. Staying in a house built in a crowded city below sea level. Neighbors on top of us. Human butchers surrounding us.”

“Like I’m supposed to believe that would scare you,” she said smugly, knowing his only worry was for her safety, not his. They turned a corner and headed toward the famous Bourbon Street.

“Try to look less conspicuous,” he instructed.

A dog barked, rushed to the end of its lead, and bared its teeth. Gregori turned his head and hissed, exposing white fangs. The dog stopped its aggression instantly, yelped in alarm, and retreated whining.

“What are you doing?” Savannah demanded, outraged.

“Getting a feel for the place,” he said absently, his mind clearly on other matters, his senses tuned to the world around him. “Everyone is crazy here, Savannah. You are going to fit right in.” He ruffled her hair affectionately.

She stopped abruptly, her smile fading, her hand slipping from his arm. Gregori’s head went up alertly, automatically scanning the area for enemies. “What is it?”

Savannah did an about-face and turned the corner, walking slowly up the street. Savannah, you will answer me. What is it you sense that I do not? Gregori caught at her arm, physically stopping her. His fingers shackled her wrist, his body all at once close and protective. Answer me, or I will force you to go back to the house.

Shh. I’m trying to concentrate. I’ve never really done this before. Even in her mind she was very distracted.

Gregori merged with her so that he could feel her thoughts, know whatever it was that she was feeling. It was a compulsion of sorts, not one their race commonly used, a drawing toward some place. Of power? He tried to tune it in. Not power. To evil. Something very evil.

Once more his hand tightened on her wrist and brought her to a halt. There were several homes on the street, but farther down the block the residences gave way to stores. One was a voodoo shop. He concentrated on that, listening intently to the conversation between a tourist and one who worked inside. There was a suggestion of power, of magic, but certainly not the taint of evil.

Two buildings down from the voodoo shop. Savannah’s voice brushed at his mind.

It is not on Julian’s list, Gregori answered, but he believed her. He felt it through her. Raven Dubrinsky had obviously passed on her psychic talents to her daughter.

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Categories: Christine Feehan