Dark Magic. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 4

“This fight cannot be yours, Aidan,” Gregori said. “I would not put you and your human family in danger.”

Aidan inclined his head. “He prowls out there. I can feel him stalking around the compound.” There was an eagerness, a need to do battle.

Savannah knew it was the instinctive, predatory nature of the untamed Carpathian male.

“Go now, Aidan,” Gregori said firmly.

“It was nice to finally meet you, Aidan,” Savannah added. “I hope to meet Alexandria soon. Perhaps when Gregori and I remove the threat of these human butchers, we can get together.”

“When Gregori removes the threat,” Gregori corrected her, using his implacable, commanding, don’t-even-think-of-challenging-my-authority voice.

Aidan nodded his farewell. Then his solid form wavered, began to shimmer, and disappeared out the open window in a kaleidoscope of colors carried on the night breeze.

Savannah reached behind her and took Gregori’s hand. “New Orleans. What do you think?”

There was a small silence. “It is dangerous there,” he said carefully.

“True, but it will be dangerous anywhere we go, won’t it?” she pointed out reasonably. “So what difference does it make where we are? We may as well have some fun.”

“I prefer the mountains.” He said it quietly, neutrally.

She suddenly grinned at him, that mischievous, impish smile he couldn’t resist. “When an old geezer marries a young chick, he has to learn to get back into the swing of things. Party time. Night life. Does it ring a bell, or has it been too long?” she teased.

Gregori bunched her hair in his hand and tugged. “Show some respect, bébé, or I might have to turn you over my knee.”

“Kinky.” One delicate shoulder rose and fell in a sexy little shrug. “I’m willing to try anything once.”

He leaned over and kissed her. He had to kiss her; he had no other choice. Once his mouth fastened on hers, he was in trouble. She was heat and light, spice and satin, lace and candlelight. And he was lost. Utterly, completely lost. Gregori jerked himself away from her, swearing in his ancient tongue.

Savannah’s eyes were cloudy, dreamy, her lips moist and slightly parted. Her soft mouth curved with that sensuous, mysterious smile he could never quite figure out.

“I have a great idea, Gregori,” she told him wickedly. “Let’s take a commercial flight.”

“What?” He was staring at her mouth. She had a great mouth. A perfect mouth. A sexy mouth. Mon Dieu, he wanted her mouth.

“Doesn’t a commercial flight sound fun? We could take a night flight, mingle with people. It might even throw off the reporter.”

“Nothing is going to throw off the reporter. He is tenacious. And there will be no commercial flight. There will be no discussion on this, either. None. If we go to New Orleans, and I am not saying we will, commercial flights are out”

“Oh, Gregori. I was only kidding. Naturally we’ll do things your way,” she added demurely.

He shook his head, exasperated at himself. Of course she had been teasing. He wasn’t used to anyone treating him as Savannah did. Outrageous woman. “I need to go out and talk with Wade Carter.”

She stood up instantly, expectantly, her blue eyes wide in anticipation. Tell me what you want me to do. I can probably manage mist. I’m stronger now, using your blood. I can back you up.”

Amusement wanned the cool silver of his eyes. “Mon Dieu. Savannah, you sound like a cop movie. No, you will not back me up. You are not talking to Carter. You will stay here, safe, where I know he cannot touch you. Am I making myself crystal clear, bébé? You are not to leave this dwelling.”

“But Gregori,” she said softly, “I’m your partner now. I’m supposed to help you. If you Insist on tackling this Wade Carter, men I have to help you. I’m your lifemate.”

“There is no chance that I will allow such a thing. You may attempt to defy me, but I assure you, it is a waste of your energy.” He spoke gently, that mocking male superiority setting her teeth on edge. “I am your lifemate, chérie, and I will give any order I deem necessary for your safety.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan