Dark Magic. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 4

Savannah’s long lashes swept her cheeks as she hid her expression. This from a man who perceived himself a monster. Who claimed not to feel for anyone or anything.

Gary took a sip of the celebrated coffee and a quick bite of the baguettes the Cafe du Monde was so famous for. He found them delicious. He noticed that the couple across the table from him appeared to be eating, but he wasn’t certain they really were. What were they? Why did he feel so comfortable with them? He liked their company. He felt invigorated by it. Soothed by it. Interesting observation, when the man was rather like a dangerous, cornered animal, lethal at any provocation. He had witnessed the power the man possessed.

What if what the man said was true? What if vampires were great deceivers? What if the man sitting so casually across from him was deceiving him? Gary studied the impassive face. It was impossible to tell his age. His was a harsh beauty, with a hint of cruelty, yet he was incredibly handsome. He passed a hand over his face. How did one know?

“That is the problem with the vampire, Gary,” Gregori counseled softly. “There is no way a human can tell the difference between what is the hunter and what is the vampire.”

Gary noticed he used the word what not who. What was he?

“To enter our world is very dangerous,” Savannah added gently. She went to lay a hand on Gary’s arm in her naturally sympathetic way, but a low, fierce growl issuing from Gregori’s throat stopped her. She put her hand in her lap.

Gregori ran a fingertip along her knuckles in a kind of apology for his failure to overcome his possessive ways.

Gary took a deep breath. “Maybe that is true, but maybe I’m already compromised. I wasn’t supposed to be at the warehouse this evening, but I showed up. My formula didn’t look right to me, so I performed a little investigation. I ran a chemical composition test. I was so angry, I went to one of the few society addresses I had. When I found that poor girl there, I went berserk and called the boss—Morrison—at his private number. He wasn’t available, but I left word I was going to shut down the society, expose it to the newspapers, to the police. I don’t think Rodney was as interested in killing you as he was in killing me. I got the feeling someone ordered him to kill me.”

“He was under a vampire’s compulsion. Nothing would have stopped him,” Gregori admitted.

“So I’m already a target, aren’t I?” Gary pointed out triumphantly.

Gregori sighed again. “Try not to sound so happy about it. There are limits to our protection. And you endanger Savannah.” For that alone I could rip out your heart. The words seemed to shimmer in the air, unspoken but heard.

Gary looked startled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think of that. I guess she would be a target if she’s seen with me.” He was obviously upset. “I feel terrible that I didn’t even consider it.”

“Keep your voice down,” Gregori reminded him softly. “We need to know more of those involved in this society than we do. Do you have a list of names?”

“Yeah, of the ones who worked in the lab. The legitimate lab, I mean. Not the sick ones you saw tonight.” Gary pushed a hand through his hair in agitation. “I want to call the hospital, make certain that girl’s all right. You know, I still can’t believe they were going to cut her up alive.”

“I told you,” Gregori reiterated, “the vampire’s only source of entertainment is the misery of those around him. He will deliberately corrupt those he believes are the least likely to succumb to his powers. It is a game to him. You are a good man, Gary, but you are no match for a vampire. He could make you kill your own mother. Anything abhorrent to you, that is what he would force you to do.”

“I don’t want you to erase my memories,” Gary pleaded. “I’ve waited my whole life for this moment. I know you say I can’t tell the difference between a vampire and a hunter, but I think you’re wrong. For instance, you scare the hell out of me. You look dangerous, you act dangerous. You don’t even try to hide it. You are a very scary man, but you feel like a friend. I would trust you with my life. I’m betting that something evil would appear pleasing but feel foul.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan