David Gemmell. Ironhand’s Daughter

‘Of course, sir.’ The man bowed and departed.

Leofric rubbed his eyes and yawned. Midnight. Dear God, I have been working on these papers for seven hours! Hastily he gathered them together, pushing them into a drawer. The servant returned, ushering in a middle-aged man with a round fleshy face and glittering eyes.

‘I trust you will forgive this intrusion,’ said the newcomer. ‘But the news I have could not wait for the morning.’

‘And why is that pray?’ countered Leofric, gesturing the man to a seat.

‘You were working on the invasion plans,’ said the other, with a smile. ‘My information will force substantial changes.’

‘How do you know what I was working on?’

‘Let us come back to that, Leofric,’ said the man, with a wide smile. ‘For now, let me tell you that two of your three forts have fallen to the clansmen, and all the supplies they contain are now being consumed by your enemies.’

Leofric’s weariness vanished immediately. ‘That’s not possible! I supervised the structures myself. They were impregnable!’

‘Not from deceit, it appears.’

Leofric sat down. ‘Deceit?’

‘The woman Sigarni sent the traitor, Obrin, and a hundred men posing as a relief force. Both forts surrendered without a fight.’

‘How… ? Who are you?’

‘I think you can fairly assume that I am a friend, Lord Leofric. I also have information concerning Sigarni and her plans. She is gathering an army, you know.’

‘Under whose leadership?’

‘Her own, of course. She is of the blood royal, and she masterminded the defeat of your forces at Cilfallen. Fine credentials, don’t you think?’

‘How many men does she command now?’

‘Close to two thousand. The Farlain are with her, and the Pallides will soon follow. Unless she is stopped, that is.’

‘We cannot get through until the thaw. All the northern passes are blocked.’

‘You cannot get through but! can. I have already, in a manner of speaking.’

The servant entered. ‘My lord, I think you should …’

‘Yes, yes, no need for that now. Bring me another tisane, and one for our guest.’

The man nodded and bowed as Leofric returned his attention to his guest. ‘I think it is time you declared your interest in this matter,’ he said.

‘Of course. I am hunting the witch, Sigarni. My reasons are of no concern to you, but it is important to me that I find her. Surrounded as she is now by loyal clansmen, it might be … difficult for me to reach her. You can help me in my quest – as I can help you in yours.’

‘You’re a magicker?’

The man laughed. ‘Nothing so dainty, my lord. I am a sorcerer. Some time ago I was paid to… remove the problem Sigarni posed. I failed. Three times. I say this without shame, for my opponents were mighty indeed. Happily, they now believe me to be dead, which leaves me free to enjoy the success I have waited for.’

‘Why would they think you dead?’

‘A man was torn to pieces by demons. I made sure he resembled me in every way. You wish to hear more?’

Leofric shook his head. ‘Absolutely not. What is it you require of me, in return for your information?’

‘I find that I am short of funds in Citadel town. I am far from my own bankers, and would be grateful for a gratuity that would enable me to rent a house in Citadel. There is much I must do to prepare for my next attempt. Men and materials, that sort of thing.’

‘Of course. Where are you staying at present?’

‘A hostelry nearby, the Blue Duck tavern.’

‘I will have one of my servants bring you money tomorrow morning. I would also appreciate any further information you can supply concerning the plans of the rebels.’

The man rubbed his fleshy chin. ‘I will consider that,’ he said. ‘It is a delicate business. You see, I don’t want you to capture or kill Sigarni. That delight is for me. I’ll think on it, and let you know my decision.’

‘The Baron will almost certainly want to see you.’

‘I don’t believe so, Lord Leofric. Tell him you have a spy who brought you this information. That, after all, is the truth. Do not mention me to him. It would displease me.’

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Categories: David Gemmell