David Gemmell. Ironhand’s Daughter

‘No!’ squealed Ballistar.

It was too late, for Ironhand waved at the girl. She finished delivering the dishes to a table by the window, then walked over. ‘My friend, here, …’ began Ironhand.

‘For pity’s sake!’ snapped Ballistar. He smiled sheepishly at the maid. Tm … er … sorry.’

‘What he’s trying to say, my lovely,’ continued Ironhand, ‘is that he is smitten by your beauty. If I were a younger man I’d fight him to the death for you. Now we are strangers in this city, and have no understanding of the normal practices. It will have to suffice that he finds you astonishingly attractive and would like to spend a little time with you when you are finished with your work. What do you say?’

The girl smiled and stared hard at Ballistar, who felt he had reddened to his toes.

‘He is a handsome boy,’ she said, ‘And you are an old devil. However, since you’ve already seduced my mother – and that puts me out for the night -I think I will spend a little time with the young man. The rooms upstairs are all numbered. I shall be in room eleven in an hour or so.’ Reaching out, she cupped Ballistar’s chin. ‘Your beard is soft,’ she said. ‘I like that.’

Her mother appeared, bearing a wooden tray on which was set a pitcher of ale, a jug of water and three tankards. She set it down carefully and turned to Ironhand. ‘Don’t you be drinking too much of that,’ she said. ‘It has a habit of turning hard men to softness, if you take my meaning.’

Ironhand’s laughter bellowed out. Grasping the woman round her ample waist, he drew her into his lap. Then taking the pitcher, he raised it to his lips and began to drink. Ballistar and Sigarni watched in amazement as he downed more than half of it. ‘By God, that’s better,’ he said. Then he rose, lifted the astonished woman into the air and began to spin and dance.

‘She must weigh a ton,’ whispered Ballistar to Sigarni. ‘How does he do that?’

Ironhand returned to the table, still carrying the woman. ‘It’s no good,’ he said. ‘I can wait not a moment longer. I’ll see you both in the morning.” So saying, he carried his conquest from the room.

For a little while Ballistar and Sigarni sat in silence. At last he spoke. ‘The woman I’m going to see… I don’t… what should I…?’

Sigami laughed softly. ‘Do whatever comes naturally. Sit with her and talk for a while. My advice would be to tell her that she is your first, and that you are unskilled.’

‘I couldn’t do that!’

‘She will know anyway. Enjoy yourelf, Ballistar. And make sure that she too has fond memories of the meeting. Too many men get carried away by their lust, and forget that their partners need loving too.’

‘How do I…?’

‘This is not a lesson, Balli. Kiss, touch and explore. Make it last. This is the one experience you will never forget.’

He grinned. ‘I can’t believe this. When we get back I’m going to pick up the little wizard and kiss both his wizened cheeks!’

‘He’ll turn you into a spider and tread on you,’

‘Will you be all right alone?’

Leaning forward, she covered his hand with her own. ‘I stood in a cave and waited for demons, Balli. I think I’ll probably survive a night in a strange inn, don’t you?’

They sat and talked for a while, then the young maid came for Ballistar and Sigarni smiled at the look of sudden panic that flashed across his handsome face. ‘Go,’ she said, ‘enjoy yourself.’

Alone now, she sipped the water and concentrated on the magical events that had overtaken them in Yur-vale. Three separate bursts of magic: the growth of Ballistar, the sprouting of the bow and the rebirth of Ironhand. The dwarf had become a man, strong and straight. Why? And why the bow, and not the arrows? She had tried to discuss it with Ballistar, but he had merely shrugged and said, ‘It was magic. Who cares why?’

But there must be laws governing magic, she thought. Ironhand had been reborn through a piece of dried bone. But what of the bone tips on her arrows? Why had they not grown into deer? And the leather of her belt or boots – why had these items remained intact?

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Categories: David Gemmell