David Gemmell. Ironhand’s Daughter

Ballistar ran forward to stand beside Sigarni and Jakuta Khan looked up at him, his eyes already misting in death. ‘A dwarf,’ he whispered, surprised. ‘I have been killed by a dwarf!’

He turned his dying eyes upon Sigarni. ‘It is … not over. I sent a … demon. He is lost somewhere in time. But one day .. . when you look into his eyes .. . remember me!’ And he slumped face down on the grass.

‘Your arrival was most timely,’ she said, kneeling beside the dwarf and kissing his bearded cheek.

‘Gwalchmai appeared to me. Told me to be here. I was ready to kill myself, but he said I would be needed, that I could help the clans.’

‘Oh, Balli, if you had died my heart would have been broken. Come, let us go to the meeting!’

‘I suggest you dress yourself first,’ he said.


FELL. LAY AWAKE, Siganii’s sleeping body pressed closely against him and her head upon his shoulder. Lady lay at Sigarni’s left, her black flanks gleaming in the firelight. The coals in the iron brazier were burning low now, and the cabin was bathed in a gentle red glow.

Fell had stood at the back of the meeting hall and watched the faces of her officers as she outlined her battle plans. At first they had been shocked, but they had listened to her arguments, delivered quietly but forcefully, and had offered no objections. Each of the officers had been given a task – save for Fell.

He had returned to the cabin with Sigarni, and their lovemaking had been tender and joyous. No words spoken throughout, but both experiencing an intensity that led to tears. Fell had never known anything like it; he felt both complete and fulfilled. In all his adult life he had dreamt of moments like this, to be at one with the object of his love.

The night was quiet, and the entire world consisted of nothing more than the four walls he could see and the glowing fire that warmed the cabin. Tomorrow the great battle would begin and, God willing, after that he and Sigarni could begin a new life together. Once the Baron was defeated, they could send emissaries to the Outland King and end a war neither side had truly wanted.Then he and Sigarni could build a home near the Falls.

She moaned in her sleep and he stroked her silver hair. She awoke and smiled sleepily. ‘You should be asleep,’ she said.

‘I am too happy for sleep,’ he told her. Her hand stroked down his warm belly and arousal flared instantly.

‘Then I shall tire you,’ she said, sliding her body over his. Her mouth tasted sweet and he smelt the perfume of her hair, felt the warmth of her body.

At last the passion subsided and he sighed. ‘Are you ready for sleep now?’ she whispered into his ear.

‘You held them, Sigarni,’ he said proudly. ‘All those warriors and greybeards! They stood and listened and they believed. I believe! It is so hard to think of you now as the huntress who lived alone and sold her furs. It is as if you were always waiting to be a queen. Even Bakris Tooth-gone speaks of you with awe. Where did you send him, by the way?’

‘South,’ she said.


‘To cut their supply lines. God, Fell, I wish this was over. I don’t want to be a Battle Queen.’

‘We can end it tomorrow,’ he said. ‘Then we’ll build a house. You know the flat land to the west of the Falls? I’ve often thought that it would make a splendid home. A little back from the pool, so that the noise of the Falls would be filtered by the willows. There’s good grazing land close by, and I know Grame will loan me some breed cattle.’

‘It sounds … wonderful,” she told him.

‘There’s good hunting too.’

At the sound of their voices Lady awoke and pushed herself between them. Sigarni stroked the hound’s ears. ‘It is a fine dream,’ said Sigarni. ‘Now let’s get some rest.’

‘What do you mean, a dream?’ Fell asked.

‘The war will not be over with one battle,’ she said sadly. ‘If we sin, the Outlanders will see it as a blow to their pride. They will have no alternative but to send another army north.’

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Categories: David Gemmell