David Gemmell. Ironhand’s Daughter

‘No work today,’ said Obrin, breaking the silence. ‘Today we talk. Now I am not a great talker – and even less of a teacher. But at this moment I am all that you have. So open your ears and listen.’

‘Why should we listen?’ asked a young man in the front row. He was no more, Obrin guessed, than around fourteen years of age. ‘You tell us to carry rocks, we carry rocks. You tell us to run and we run. I do not need to hear the words of an Outland traitor. Just give us your orders and we shall obey them.’

‘Then I order you to listen,’ said Obrin, without trace of anger. His eyes raked the group. ‘Your friendship means nothing to me,’ he told them. ‘It is worth less than a sparrow’s droppings. We are not here for friendship. What I am trying to do is give you a chance – a tiny chance

– to defend your loved ones against a powerful enemy. Oh, I know you are prepared to die. The Farlain have shown us all how well a Highlander can give up his life. But you don’t win by dying. You win by causing your enemy to die. Is that so hard to understand? The Hunt Lord says a Highlander cannot be driven. Is he incapable also of learning? If not, how did he acquire the skills to build homes, weave cloth, make bows and swords? What is so different about war? It is a game of skill and daring, of move and counter-move. The Outlanders

– as you call them – are masters of war.’

‘Masters of slaughter more like!’ came a voice from the middle rows.

‘Aye, and slaughter,’ agreed Obrin. ‘But in a battle they hold together. It is called discipline. It is nothing to do with honour, or glory. Yet all victories are based upon it.’ Obrin walked to the first of the bundles and flipped back the blanket covering it. Stooping he lifted a dozen sticks, each no thicker than his thumb and no longer than his forearm. Tossing them one by one to the nearest clansmen, he said, ‘Break them!’

The first man chuckled and glanced down at the thin length of wood. ‘Why?’ he asked.

‘Just do it.’

The sound of snapping wood echoed in the cave, followed by laughter as someone said, ‘The great warrior has certainly taught us to master stick splitting.’

‘Easy, was it not?’ said Obrin amiably. ‘No trouble. A child could do it. And that,’my fine clansmen, is how the Outlanders will deal with you. It is not a question of bravery, or honour. You fight as individuals, single sticks. Now, this is how the Outlanders fight.’ Taking up the second bundle which was also composed of a dozen sticks, but tightly bound with twine, he tossed it to the jester. ‘Come then,’ said Obrin, ‘show me how you have mastered stick-splitting. Break them!’

The man stood and held the bundle at both ends. Suddenly he bent his knee and brought the sticks down hard across his thigh. Several sticks gave, but the bundle remained intact. Angrily he hurled the sticks on the fire. ‘What does it prove?’ he snarled. ‘But give me a claymore and I’ll show you what I can do!’

‘Sit down lad,’ said Obrin. ‘I do not doubt your courage. The lesson is a simple one to absorb. What you saw was two bundles. Each bundle had twelve sticks. One could be broken, the other could not. It is the same with armies. When the clans fought at Golden Moor they fought in the only way they knew, shoulder to shoulder, claymores swinging. They were brought down by archers and slingers, lancers and pikemen, heavy cavalry and armoured swordsmen. They were beaten decisively, but not routed. They stood their ground and died like men. By God, what a waste of courage! Did any here see the Farlain dead?’

Several men spoke up. Obrin nodded and waved them to silence. ‘What you saw was easy to read. The Outlanders were in the valley. The Farlain attacked from the high ground, sweeping down on them, their claymores bright in the morning sun. The Outlanders formed a tight shield wall, their spears extending. The Farlain ran upon the spears, trying to beat a path through. Then the cavalry came from the right, from their hiding places in a wood. Archers appeared on the left sending volley after volley into the Highland ranks. How long did the battle last? Not an hour. Not even half that. According to Fell it was probably over in a few short minutes. The Outlanders carried their dead away in a single wagon – ten … fifteen… twenty bodies at the most. The Farlain lost hundreds. Are the clans too stupid to learn from their errors?’ They were listening now, intently, their eyes locked to Obrin’s face. ‘We all know the animals of the forest, and their ways. When faced with wolves, a stag will run. The wolves lope after him, slowly robbing him of strength. At last he turns at bay, and • they come at him from all sides. If he is strong his horns will kill some, then he dies. You are like the stag. The Outlanders are the wolves; only they are worse than wolves. They have the horns of the stag, the stamina and cunning of the wolf pack, the claws of the bear, and the fangs of the lion. To defeat them, we must emulate them.’

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Categories: David Gemmell