David Gemmell – Rigante 3 – Ravenheart

‘I have heard that. Now go and greet him.’

Jaim chuckled and shook his head, but he obeyed her. As he always did. Maev sat down in a wide chair, gathering her thoughts. Then she listened as the former schoolteacher entered the kitchen.

‘This is Shula,’ he heard Jaim say. ‘Best cook in the highlands, and a beauty to boot. What will you have? Steak and eggs, hot oats, fresh bread and cheese?’

‘Just a little water, if you please.’

‘By the Sacrifice, man, there’s not an ounce of flesh on you. You need to eat. It’ll drive the cold out faster. Shula, fry a little bacon and egg for our guest, and cut some of that bread.’

‘I don’t want to be a burden,’ said Alterith. ‘Perhaps you could let Mrs Ring know that I am here.’

‘She knows, sir teacher, and she’s told us to feed you. So sit yourself down.’

‘Do I know you, sir?’

‘I am Jaim Grymauch.’

‘Ah. I do believe I have heard the name.’

‘Most people have. I am renowned for my many good works. Some tell me that when I die I shall be named among the saints.’

‘Yes, indeed,’ Maev heard Alterith reply. She smiled. She could hear the nervousness in the Varlish teacher’s voice.

‘How do you like your eggs, sir?’ she heard Shula ask.

‘With the yolk firm, madam, thank you,’ replied Alterith.

‘My nephew Kaelin asked to be remembered to you,’ said Jaim.

‘Did he? I doubt he recalls me fondly. I had occasion to discipline him many times. The last time, however, still causes me grief.’

‘Why so, sir teacher?’

‘He argued about the nationality of King Connavar and I caned him for it. I have since discovered he was quite right to argue, for he was correct. Connavar was undoubtedly a full Rigante.’

‘It takes a man to admit when he is wrong,’ said Jaim, and Maev heard a grudging respect in his voice. ‘I shall tell Kaelin what you said, when next I see him. Ah, Banny boy, come in and fill your belly.’

Maev heard a chair leg scrape upon the floor. ‘So, boy, how many is twenty-five times twenty-seven?’

‘Six hundred and seventy-five,’ said Banny instantly.

‘You made that up,’ said Jaim, with a laugh. ‘That was too quick.’

‘Because it was too easy, Grymauch,’ answered Banny.

‘No-one can do a sum that quick, isn’t that right, schoolteacher?’

‘Banny is correct,’ said Alterith. ‘He has a wonderful mind for numbers.’

Maev heard plates being laid on the table, and conversation ceased as they ate. She guessed that Jaim was also tucking in to a second breakfast. Rising from her chair, she added coals to the fire. The conversation had taught her more about Alterith Shaddler, and she liked what she had heard. The man was more open-minded than she had expected, and obviously had affection for Banny. Added to this she sensed that Grymauch also liked him, and despite the big man’s many faults he was a good judge of character.

The breakfast concluded, Jaim returned to the room. ‘Are you ready to see your guest yet?’

‘Yes. Show him in.’

Alterith Shaddler was ushered in and Jaim left quietly, pulling shut the door behind him. The teacher wore no wig. His hair was cut short, and thinning at the temples. He was stick thin, his clothes almost threadbare.

‘Thank you for coming at such short notice,’ said Maev. Alterith bowed and said nothing. ‘I have a proposition for you. Please take a seat.’ Alterith settled himself on the edge of a nearby chair. He was monstrously ill at ease. ‘I want to open a school for clan youngsters,’ said Maev Ring.

‘A school, madam?’

‘Aye. I have a building I believe would be suitable, and I have ordered fifty desks and chairs. Now I need a teacher to run it.’

‘A clan school? I fear that the authorities will not allow it.’

‘They cannot prevent it. The king proclaimed five years ago that highland youngsters were to receive schooling. Dr Meldane can do nothing to prevent such a school.’

‘I was not thinking merely of Dr Meldane. The civil authorities will present objections.’

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Categories: David Gemmell