David Gemmell – Rigante 3 – Ravenheart

‘Yes, sir.’

‘Tell me, lieutenant, do you have friends in high places?’

‘No, sir.’

‘Are you noble born, or rich?’

‘No, sir.’

‘Then you are dead, you pitiful wretch! You’ll hang later. Take this man and lock him in a cell,’ he told the soldiers. Pushing past the doomed officer he strode upstairs. Outside the mess hall he ordered the men there to wake every soldier in the barracks and gather reports from everyone who had come into the fortress during the night hours. Back in his room he washed and shaved, then walked into his office to wait.

Within a short time a second officer appeared at his door. He knew the man. A career soldier from Eldacre, a solid if unimaginative officer named Bardoe Jaekel. The lieutenant saluted.

‘I believe I saw the killers, sir,’ he said.

‘One of your brother officers will hang today for dereliction of duty, Jaekel. This story of yours might see you swing alongside him.’

‘Yes, sir, I understand that,’ answered the man.

‘Go on then.’

‘Just after midnight I returned to the barracks, in the company of several men from my squad. We were met at the gates by a young sentry who demanded the password. This was entirely correct. When I gave it he opened the gates. I questioned him, for I had not seen him before. He told me he was with the Fifth, under Lieutenant Langhorne. I had no reason to suspect him. He had followed the orders you yourself laid down. I did seek out Prelling to question him about the use of southern units, but I could not find him and decided to wait until morning. It was a bad mistake.’


‘The man you are to hang, sir.’

‘Yes. Describe the guard you saw.’

‘He was young, sir, not yet twenty I would say. Tall. He had a scar on his face.’

Ranaud swore loudly. ‘Kaelin Ring,’ he said.


‘He runs Ironlatch Farm. He is betrothed to Chara Jace. Lieutenant Langhorne and sections of the Fifth are stationed there. Send out riders to the west. Give them a description of Ring and the girl.’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘And send Wullis Swainham to me.’

Bardoe Jaekel saluted and left the office. Minutes later Wullis Swainham tapped at the open door. Ranaud gestured the turncoat clansman inside, but did not offer him a seat. He looked into the man’s small eyes. ‘You have heard?’

‘She is gone,’ said Swainham. Ranaud could smell the fear upon the stocky, red-bearded Rigante.

‘Aye, she is gone. If she gets to Call Jace he will hear of your infamy. One wonders how far you will have to go to escape Rigante vengeance, Wullis. I understand rape is considered a heinous crime among the clans – though for the life of me I cannot understand why.’

‘You promised to protect me,’ said Swainham, a whine appearing in his voice.

‘First you must protect yourself. Ring and the girl are on foot. They will not head west. Too much open country. They will have gone south, and then cut north-west through the forest. You are a tracker, are you not?’

‘Yes,’ answered Swainham miserably.

‘Then track them. Find them. Kill Ring and bring me the girl.’

‘I’ll need some men.’

‘No, no. You clansmen are hardy and used to rough travel. You will catch them the sooner if you are alone. Do this, Swainham, and I will give you ten pounds more so that you can travel south and find a new life.’

‘You said I would become clan chief of the Rigante, once Call was dead. You said I would be an important man in your new administration.’

Ranaud shook his head. ‘That was when your .. . valuable work for me was secret. It is likely that, before this day is out, word of your deeds will be spreading throughout Black Mountain. Even when we have crushed Jace there will be those left alive who will stop at nothing to see you dead. Sadly, Swainham, a traitor is never popular – even among those with most to gain from such treachery. I will furnish you with pistols and a good mountain horse. Find their trail. Find them.’

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Categories: David Gemmell